
A dart package for easy implementation of OTP count down.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Easily implement the count down timer in Flutter Application.


Import package:otp_count_down/otp_count_down.dart


import 'package:otp_count_down/otp_count_down.dart';

OTPCountDown _otpCountDown; // create instance
final int _otpTimeInMS = 1000 * 5 * 60;  // time in milliseconds for count down

_otpCountDown = OTPCountDown.startOTPTimer(
    timeInMS: _otpTimeInMS, // time in milliseconds
    currentCountDown: (String countDown) {
        print("Count down : $countDown"); // shows current count down time
    onFinish: () {
        print("Count down finished!"); // called when the count down finishes.

You will find links to the API docs on the pub page.

Getting Started

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