
Insight Data Engineering coding challenge: pharmacy_counting

Primary LanguagePython


Instructions to Run

Go to main directory of the project and run the following in the terminal:

python3 ./src/pharmacy_counting.py ./input/itcont.txt ./output/top_cost_drug.txt


python ./src/pharmacy_counting.py ./input/itcont.txt ./output/top_cost_drug.txt


Execute ./run.sh

My Approach to Solution

• Map each drug with the total coast

• Map each drug with no of prescribers

• Iterate Over these maps and generate the output file

• Main implementation is in file pharmacy_counting.py


Pandas is not used to create the solution but only for the validation purpose: pharmacy_counting_using_pandas.py

• Solution has been validated against the output from Pandas library

Further Improvements:

• It takes a minute to process 25 million records and using O(n)

• To further increase run time Apache Spark(parallelization) can be used.

To Run the unit test cases:

• Please comment following lines in pharmacy_counting.py before running unit test cases

inputfile, outputfile = sys.argv[1:]

run_algo(inputfile, outputfile)


Imagine you are a data engineer working for an online pharmacy. You are asked to generate a list of all drugs, the total number of UNIQUE individuals who prescribed the medication, and the total drug cost, which must be listed in descending order based on the total drug cost and if there is a tie, drug name in ascending order.

Disclosure: The projects that Insight Data Engineering Fellows work on during the program are much more complicated and interesting than this coding challenge. This challenge only tests you on the basics.

This GitHub repository contains my solution to the coding challenge for the Fellows Program organized by Insight Data Science.

Input Dataset

comma separated input file with 5 columns, e.g.,

1000000005,Smith,David,BENZTROPINE MESYLATE,1500

The original dataset was obtained from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services but has been cleaned and simplified to match the scope of the coding challenge. It provides information on prescription drugs prescribed by individual physicians and other health care providers. The dataset identifies prescribers by their ID, last name, and first name. It also describes the specific prescriptions that were dispensed at their direction, listed by drug name and the cost of the medication.


My solution create the output file, top_cost_drug.txt, that contains comma (,) separated fields in each line.

Each line of this file should contain these fields:

  • drug_name: the exact drug name as shown in the input dataset
  • num_prescriber: the number of unique prescribers who prescribed the drug. For the purposes of this challenge, a prescriber is considered the same person if two lines share the same prescriber first and last names
  • total_cost: total cost of the drug across all prescribers

For example

If your input data, itcont.txt, is

1000000005,Smith,David,BENZTROPINE MESYLATE,1500

then your output file, top_cost_drug.txt, would contain the following lines
