
Check Nodejs is installed

node --version

check npm is installed

npm --version

if both are ok run

npm run dev

visit http://localhost:3000

As per a report by KPMG, it is estimated that by 2021, online education market in India is going to be around $ 2BN. Currently dominating and emerging categories in online education are K12 education, test preparation and professional learning Great Learning is a leading Ed-Tech company based out of India which is helping professionals develop career critical competencies in area of Analytics & Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Design Thinking, Digital Marketing and many more. Great Learning has academic collaboration with leading Indian and global institutes like Great Lakes institute of management, Purdue University, UT Austin’s McCombs School of Business, Stanford University and so forth to deliver these programs. Since 6 years of its founding, it has impacted careers of 10,000+ working professionals Great Learning’s online programs are flipped classroom instructor led programs. In flip classroom format, learners are expected to go through video lectures on a weekly basis and then participate in live online instructor led sessions in a micro group containing up to 10 learners. The agenda of instruction led session is to do a quick debrief of video lectures for the week and discuss practical applications of the concepts covered in the video lecture of the week The problem statement is to create a mechanism to monitor and measure the attention span of the learners in the instructor led online sessions. Following are a few ideas on the measures that can be used to quantify the level of attention span: • out of the designated session-time, what proportion of session was one-way dialogue vs two-way dialogue • number of distinct learners who participated in the session • presence of background noise, chatters in the session, etc.. Expected Outcomes • Real time dashboard that quantifies the participation for each participant • Real time triggers in case of sub-optimal participation • Suggestions (along with implementation) of other ideas to quantify level / quality of interactions Great Learning will be sharing sample recording of the online mentored sessions