
This PowerShell script performs subdomain brute-forcing on a specified domain using a provided wordlist and resolves subdomains by combining words from the list with various top-level domains. It utilizes the 'Resolve-DnsName' cmdlet to perform DNS resolution.

Primary LanguagePowerShell


Bruteforce Subdomains

This script bruteforces subdomains of a given domain.


bruteforce-subdomains [-Domain] [-Wordlist] [-Output] [-Silent] [-Sleep] [-Verbose]


  • -Domain The domain to bruteforce subdomains for.
  • -Wordlist The wordlist to use to generate subdomains.
  • -Output The file to save the results to.
  • -Silent Do not print anything to the console.
  • -Sleep The number of seconds to sleep between DNS lookups.
  • -Verbose The level of verbosity.


dnsbruter.ps1 -Domain example.com -Wordlist wordlist.txt -Output results.txt

This will bruteforce all subdomains of example.com using the wordlist wordlist.txt and save the results to the file results.txt.

Author This script was created by Ali Emara (Hithmast).