
Top 15 JavaScript Projects for Beginners

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Top-15 JavaScript Projects for Beginners

I am creating this repository for anyone who is willing to learn JavaScript(I am also learning :) it never stops). Let's follow learning by doing approach and make top-15 JS projects which will eventually help to get better insights of this language.

What is JavaScript ?

The language that powers the web by BRENDAN EICH. He first named it livescript, later some called it Jscript therefore ECMASCRIPT(europeans standardised it) and the name became official in 1997. ECMAScript is often abbreviated to ES. We can use the Google Chrome browser as our development environment, because of the excellent developer tools it provides it is awesome to use.

It is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. (Okay, not everything, but it is amazing what you can achieve with a few lines of JavaScript code.)

Top 15 Projects List

  • Vanilla JavaScript stopwatch
  • Form Validation in JavaScript
  • JavaScript clock
  • JavaScript Calculator
  • Breakout Game
  • JavaScript drum kit
  • Guess the Color game
  • Dice Game
  • Palindrome checker
  • Flames Game
  • JavaScript quiz
  • Hangman game
  • Tic Tac Toe
  • Guess the number game
  • Simon game

Other good Projects

  • Coming soon


This Repositroy is in progress and always will because as I said above 'learning never stops'! I will keep updating the projects whenever done or even if I find something good on the web to share for this repository. Anyone want to contribute and make this a great collection of mini projects like these, Welcome :)