
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Isomorphic adaptation of API hooks found in the safe demo app.

Built using isomorphic-fetch so it should work in node or in the browser.

Currently super-alpha. Limited tests done so far, but auth and create file endpoints work. This is currently mostly a learning project for the SAFE api.

If it's useful and you find problems (you will), PRs are welcome!


Grab it

npm i safe-js --save

And use it

import * as safe from 'safe-js';

Available methods are taken from the demo app, and docs (which are currently not up to date) live here: https://maidsafe.readme.io/docs/introduction .

safe.nfs safe.dns safe.auth structuredData appendableData dataId cipherOpts signKey

are objects available for use.

Alternatively you can access these same methods in the [Safe Beaker Browser (SBB)] (https://github.com/joshuef/beaker/), via window.safeAuth, window.safeNFS and window.DNS;


safe-js has a polyfill to create window.safeXXX functionality when it's not available (non safe:// sites in SAFE Beaker Browser, for eg. ).

You can simply include this file in the <head> of your page during development and continue using the APIs as they are provided by Safe Beaker Browser.

  <title>safejs site not yet on the network!</title>
  <!-- replace this link with the actual polyfill location -->
  <script src="./safe-js/dist/polyfill.js" ></script>            



import * as safe from 'safe-js';
import packageData from '../package.json'


const app =
    name: "name",
    id: "id",
    version: "v",
    vendor: "vendor_name",
    permissions: ["SAFE_DRIVE_ACCESS"]

safe.utils.authorise( app );


safe.nfs.createFile(token, 'primaryIndex.json', {} ,false, APP_DIR);




Authorise the app with the SAFE launcher. If a tokenKey is passed it will check for an existing token in localstorage, if a valid key is found, it will

  • packageData - Object containing your app information. This is how the application will authorised in the launcher.
  • tokenKey - Optional string to ID the returned auth token in localStorage (SAfe browser will overwrite this with its own storage token)


let app = {
   name: '',
   id: '',
   version: '',
   vendor: '',
   permissions: [],
safeAuth.authorise( app )
Promise Return

Returns an object of the form:

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpZCI6Im5RT1poRFJ2VUFLRlVZMzNiRTlnQ25VbVVJSkV0Q2lmYk4zYjE1dXZ2TlU9In0.OTKcHQ9VUKYzBXH_MqeWR4UcHFJV-xlllR68UM9l0b4",
    "permissions": [

If the current token was valid, permissions will be omitted.


Returns the token stored at tokenKey in localStorage

  • tokenKey - string to ID the auth token in localStorage


Returns the longName stored at LongNameKey in localStorage

  • LongNameKey - string to ID the long name key in localStorage


Check if an app token is valid.

  • token - Auth token string.

Returns a promise, which returns a boolean of validity.


Saves the token stored at tokenKey in localStorage


Saves the userLongName stored at longNameKey in localStorage



Creates a SAFE DNS Service. (https://api.safedev.org/dns/add-service.html)

  • token - (string) - auth token
  • longName - longName to add service to.
  • serviceName - Name of service to create.
  • isPathShared - Name of service to create
  • serviceHomePathDir - The full path of the directory to be served by this service.

Returns a promise which resolves as truthy upon success.


Creates a SAFE DNS LongName / Public Id. (https://api.safedev.org/dns/create-long-name.html)

  • token - (string) - auth token
  • longName - Name of service to create

Returns a promise which resolves as truthy upon success.


List all long names registered by current user (https://api.safedev.org/dns/list-long-names.html)

  • token - (string) - auth token

Returns a JSON array of long names.



List all services associated with a long name registered by current user (https://api.safedev.org/dns/list-services.html)

  • token - (string) - auth token

Returns a JSON array of service names.





  • token - (string) auth token
  • dirPath - (string) full directory path
  • isPrivate - (bool) is the data private?
  • metadata - (base64 string) metadata for the dir.
  • isPathShared - (bool) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • dataToWrite - data of file being uploaded
  • dataType - (string - optional), type of data being uploaded. text/plain for example.
  • dataLength - (int - optional) length of data being written.
  • metadata - (base64 string - optional) metadata for the dir.
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



  • token - (string) auth token
  • dirPath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.

TODO? Remove isPathShared here and use only path string ( which would include app/drive?)



  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



  • token - (string) auth token
  • dirPath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves to a JSON object of dir info.

    "info": {
        "name": "images",
        "isPrivate": true,
        "createdOn": "2016-09-26T04:41:05.342Z",
        "modifiedOn": "2016-09-26T04:41:05.342Z",
        "metadata": "c2FtcGxlIG1ldGFkYXRh"
    "files": [],
    "subDirectories": []


Get a file.


  • token - (string) auth token
  • filePath - (string) file path
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves to the file data upon success.


Rename a file or dir.

(https://api.safedev.org/nfs/directory/update-directory.html) (https://api.safedev.org/nfs/file/update-file.html)

  • token - (string) auth token
  • path - (string) path
  • newName - (string) new name
  • isFile - (bool) true if it is a file and not a dir.
  • metadata - (base64 string - optional) metadata for the dir.
  • isPathShared - (bool - optional) true if writing to the sharedDRIVE, false writes to APP;

Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



Wrapper for rename with directory options set. Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.



Wrapper for rename with file options set. Returns a Promise which resolves truthy upon success.


  • NFS needs move endpoints


  • Add auth.js documentation.
  • Add dns.js documentation.
  • Add nfs.js documentation.
  • Improve documentation (clarity/readability/gitbook?).
  • Increase test coverage.
  • Ensure all API endpoints are represented.
  • Update isPathShared to appOrDrive ? ... Something more semantic.
