
A complete and robust Cardboard SDK for Unity in C#

Primary LanguageC#

Cardboard SDK handles relevant device input for using a Google Cardboard. It gives you a wide range of events and data which expand your creative opportunities with this accessible VR platform.

----- Usage

To pull this into your existing project, copy over the following folders:
- Plugins
- Dive
- CardboardSDK

- Replace your main camera with the Dive/Dive_Camera prefab
- Add CardboardInputManager to your scene

----- Example Code

Examples/TechDemo has a scene that shows off the capabilities and use of CardboardSDK. It's README and code explain the API.

----- Roadmap

In no particular order:
- Better debug tools and tests
- Tap/tilt input via accelerometer
- Screen compression filter
- Phone camera input

----- Licensing

Read CONTRIBUTORS.TXT first as it contains an overview of the licenses for the libraries used. Dive in particular has an interesting requirement.