

This is sample project to achieve "multi app" in node.js with Express.


+-- app.js (<-- main. sometimes named "server.js")  
+-- root  
      +-- hoge1  
      |     +-- img  
      |     |    +-- sample.jpg  
      |     +-- index.js  
      +-- hoge2  
      |     +--- img  
      |     |     +-- sample.jpg  
      |     +--- index.js  
      +-- manager.js  

"hoge1" and "hoge2" represent independent app(context).
In each "index.js", you can code in the same way in "app.js", like this:

app.get([path to this context], function(req,res){  
    //do something  

Magic Spells

  • in app.js

      require("./root/manager.js").init(app, express);  
  • in "index.js" of each context(ex. "hoge1","hoge2")

      var app = require("../manager.js").getApp(__dirname);