
Primary LanguageHTML

For this particular task it was required to use Codeigniter framework.

Production version is available:

https://ttt.hitrov.com (Web application)

https://api.ttt.hitrov.com (API)

To run locally, make sure that you have

  1. Composer https://getcomposer.org/download/
  2. At least PHP 7.0+
  3. NodeJS and NPM https://nodejs.org/en/

Clone the repository

Create the database named tictactoe

Update database credentials (username and password) in api/application/config/database.php

(and maybe host and database if you can't use suggested name)

Import ./api/tictactoe.sql

Change directory in terminal to this project directory.

cd ./api/

composer install

php -S localhost:8000

(if for some reason you can't use 8000 port or even localhost, please update API_BASE_URL constant in /front/src/constants/index.js)

Optional: you can use production API with local frontend API_BASE_URL = https://api.ttt.hitrov.com as well if you had issues with backend setup

Notice: Telegram Bot was implemented in this task, https://t.me/hitrov_ttt_bot

it uses the same API as frontend (web app)

Open new terminal window and go to project directory

cd ./front/

npm install

npm start

Thank you!


If you wanna test API only, please import ./postman_collection.json to the Postman app. No frontend (node, npm) required in that case.

Here're some examples https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/3217800/tictactoe/7TKgsFC

If you use PHPStorm and wanna have working autocomplete, please select /api/system/core/Controller.php and /api/system/core/Model.php files, right click and set Mark as Plain Text.

if you wanna debug the project (e.g. xdebug), probably you wanna use a Cookie named XDEBUG_SESSION and https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/xdebug-helper/eadndfjplgieldjbigjakmdgkmoaaaoc?hl=en

In that case

  1. Uncomment credentials: 'include' in front/src/api/index.js, line 30
  2. Uncomment self::HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS => 'true' in api/application/core/MY_Controller.php, line 31
  3. Set HEADER_ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN from * to http://localhost:3000 in api/application/core/MY_Controller.php, line 28