Super easy to use Sass mixins to establish a typographic system with modular scale and vertical rhythm. Based on the Gridlover app.
- 3
npm publish
#23 opened by mod3x - 11
- 7
Default export
#21 opened by mod3x - 3
dart-sass: deprecation warning: !global assignments won't be able to declare new variables
#20 opened by wujekbogdan - 0
Create a Stylus port
#17 opened by hiulit - 7
Rewrite $step3 on sgl-heading mixins ?
#19 opened by rizqinizamil - 0
Create a Less port
#18 opened by hiulit - 2
NPM Package?
#13 opened by di5abled - 4
Line Heights with Ems
#12 opened by ChrisSargent - 4
use less generic functions names
#9 opened by wujekbogdan - 4
something is odd here
#11 opened by designermonkey - 11
Using em instead rem
#1 opened by alekspetrov - 6
Use !default in your variables _config.scss
#2 opened by zeroedin - 12
Consider using SassDoc
#6 opened by KittyGiraudel - 3
Don't append unit
#3 opened by KittyGiraudel - 0
Use pow() when available
#4 opened by KittyGiraudel - 2
Consider constant naming conventions
#5 opened by KittyGiraudel