I am a Software Developer with 12+ years of professional experience; a technology enthusiast and an entrepreneurial lover.
@proezadigital Natal, Brazil
hiuryoliveira's Followers
- nholuongutDevOps and Platform Services Lead
- idimetrix@elevanceit
- Connor9994
- seniorvuejsdeveloperVue Companies
- atiladefreitasYunicornVC
- Charles-ChrismannInstitut de l'Internet et du Multimédia (IIM)
- Mosixe
- jacobsomerFalls Church, VA
- decoderwhoami
- JCSIVOJuniper Travel Technology
- chicodevsBrazil
- lineskylinesky@sapo.pt
- honeydataxhoneydatax@sapo.pt
- skurhseMinneapolis, USA
- pauloribeiro93Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- IvanConsalterJaboticabal | São Paulo
- ksenginewSri Lanka
- gustavopergola
- hamzaali81Liquidity
- dusignerDusigner
- ShabnamDeveloper
- robertolima-devThe Coder
- SoldyLondon UK
- WanndersonOliveira
- uandersonlimaDEV4
- bybrunodotdev@blumpa
- jlsjeffersonContagem-MG
- ArefMq@aeguana
- otilor
- shayan-taheriAtlanta, Georgia, America
- smart-uSmart-U
- fabiorochafgNatal, Brazil
- sergioh665IFRN - Natal central
- WelisonRUniversity of Brasília
- breno-alvesAuthorify
- lucasmateus