HiveMQ MQTT Client is an MQTT 5.0 and MQTT 3.1.1 compatible and feature-rich high-performance Java client library with different API flavours and backpressure support
Pinned issues
- 13
Async Mqtt3Client does not release threads created by publishes() when disconnected
#633 opened by ASunc - 0
Dependency Dashboard
#645 opened by renovate - 0
Pre-encoded query string is decoded
#643 opened by jpg0 - 5
#630 opened by jinyuttt - 7
Manual Acknowledgement doesn't work
#627 opened by Wenn-x - 4
Uses cases for below HiveMQ success codes
#625 opened by Shalaka1197 - 2
Subscriber message,CONNECT failed as CONNACK contained an Error Code: BAD_USER_NAME_OR_PASSWORD
#641 opened by zqb666 - 4
Missing class, com.aayushatharva.brotli4j. and other when compile Android Project
#609 opened by yuriisurzhykov - 3
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How to see the full error returned from the broker?
#642 opened by leomuko - 2
Can not connect to HiveMQ WebSocket Client
#634 opened by jumpingliu - 1
DNS over HTTPS On Android
#635 opened by KevinMartinezC - 0
Intellij IDEA: at runDistributable any attempt to connect invokes NoClassDefFoundError sun/misc/Unsafe
#639 opened by Azerlag - 1
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Mqtt5DisconnectException: Exception while decoding PUBLISH: topic alias must not exceed topic alias maximum
#631 opened by nishankhadka09 - 0
The field `responseTopic` of the class `Mqtt5Publish` returns the fulfilled optional with value `null`
#632 opened by nicolasfara - 1
Possible run-time exception on empty response topic
#607 opened by jyoo980 - 3
Exception while decoding PUBLISH: topic alias must not exceed topic alias maximum
#617 opened by deena-philip - 0
Capture WSS with Proxyman
#626 opened by jadx2 - 2
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Not clear how to use enhancedAuth
#592 opened by georrge1994 - 3
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How to use subscription identifier - Duplicate messages with overlapping topics
#596 opened by TDYJeffreyDevloo - 1
How to implement auto-reconnect in Android?
#589 opened by pravingaikwad07 - 5
When the application is not used in the background, I get the error of falling into disconnect after a certain period of time
#584 opened by gelbertgel - 1
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Make Reconnect Failure Behavior Configurable
#622 opened by pglombardo - 1
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- 1
Retained messages aren't pushed to the listener
#616 opened by andsel - 1
- 0
CompletableFuture returned from subscribe on a CONNECTING async client never completes if the client does not connect
#612 opened by jfontsaballs - 3
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Android MQTT: Crashing for devices with SDK 23
#608 opened by tessmerandre - 1
com.hivemq.client.mqtt.exceptions.MqttDecodeException: Exception while decoding CONNACK: remaining length too short
#605 opened by Hussain-Badshah - 1
Unable to connect over IOT for minSDK version 19
#598 opened by haransanjay - 1
BlockingClient receive(long, Duration) Memory leak
#597 opened by imascha - 0
How to simulate an exception for compatable future ofpublish.send.whenComplete() in the below code in junit5
#599 opened by PoorviIjantkar - 4
How to ignore server certificate validation by setting Custom TrustManager?
#595 opened by nishankhadka09 - 0
QOS 1 together with retained messages can lead to looping reconnect cycle (MQTT 5.0)
#594 opened by joggeli34 - 4
How to set MQTT5 WILL_DELAY_INTERVAL property?
#586 opened by andsel - 2
Expose packetId in MqttPublish
#583 opened by tmbull