
Backoffice Template with: NodeJS, ExpressJS, Bootstrap 4, AdminLTE 3, MySQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is it?

This project can be seen as a starting template to send some endpoints that are managed with a backoffice.

It was built with NodeJS, ExpressJS, Bootstrap 4, AdminLTE 3, Pug and MySQL.

Features and ToDo List

  • Add, Edit and Delete data from DB with the use of the backoffice
  • Login and Logout
  • Endpoint to send data from the DB
  • Responsive data tables
  • Pagination and search from data tables
  • Export options: CSV, PDF e Print
  • Dynamic menu
  • Upload image example
  • Manage login users in backoffice
  • Store session for a period of time (Remember me)
  • Forgot password form
  • Register form

How to use it?

After cloning this repo, run the command: npm install

Import the database that is inside the folder db

Copy .env.example to .env and add your settings, including database connection

To run the project, run: npm start

The default port is :3000 and you can use teste@teste.pt and teste as password to login.

The example endpoint can be accessed in http://localhost:3000/api/customers


AdminLte Pug - How to use