MNMLSTC Flyweight is a small and easy to use C++11 library that implements the flyweight pattern. It is a header only library.
Information on installing and using MNMLSTC Flyweight (as well as its limitations) can be found in its documentation.
MNMLSTC Flyweight is released under the Apache 2.0 License.
Basic Example
Below is a basic example of how to use MNMLSTC Flyweight:
#include <flyweight/flyweight.hpp> #include <string> struct user { flyweight::object<std::string> first_name; flyweight::object<std::string> last_name; }; int main () { user a_user { "john", "smith" }; user b_user { "john", "knight" }; /* Both user's first_name data member refer to the same std::string * in memory. */ assert(a_user.first_name == b_user.first_name); }
There are several requirements to use MNMLSTC Flyweight:
- A C++11 compliant compiler (GCC 4.8.1 or Clang 3.3 will suffice)
- CMake 3.1.0
- Sphinx Documentation Generator
- Alabaster Sphinx Theme
Sphinx and the Alabaster Sphinx Theme are required only if generating documentation.