PDF Extraction Web App

This web application allows users to upload PDF files for parsing and extracting relevant information. The parsed data is stored in a MongoDB database.


  • Easy Upload: Simple drag-and-drop functionality for quick file uploading.
  • Efficient Parsing: Automatically extracts data from the uploaded PDFs.
  • MongoDB Integration: Stores parsed data in a MongoDB database.
  • Responsive UI: A user-friendly interface that works seamlessly across devices.

Getting Started



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/hjasaiwal114/pdfExtraction.git

Install dependencies:

bash Copy code cd pdfExtraction npm install Set up MongoDB:

Create a MongoDB database. Update the MongoDB connection string in server.js with your database details. Start the application:

bash Copy code npm start Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5000

Usage Choose a PDF file using the file input. Click the "Upload PDF" button. The app will parse the PDF, extract relevant information, and store it in the MongoDB database. View the success or error message on the UI. Technologies Used Frontend: React, Axios, Tailwind CSS Backend: Node.js, Express, MongoDB PDF Parsing: pdf-parse Styling: Tailwind CSS License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Acknowledgments pdf-parse for PDF parsing capabilities. Tailwind CSS for styling the UI.