An Arduino library to talk to Home Assistant using Rest API made for ESP8266.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


An Arduino library to talk to Home Assistant using Rest API made for ESP8266.



  • Can do POST effectively and not GET (reply is too long for esp8266). Try using sendGetHA(URL,Component) and provide feedback.

Using the Library

  • Download this GitHub library.
  • In Arduino, Goto Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library... and point to the zip file downloaded.

To use in your sketch include these lines.

#include <HARestAPI.h>

Declare clients before setup(). If using HA with no SSL declare WiFiClient and pass it to HARestAPI.

WiFiClient client;
HARestAPI ha(client);

If using HA with SSL declare WiFiClientSecure and pass it to HARestAPI.

WiFiClientSecure sclient;
HARestAPI ha(sclient);

In setup make sure to setup IP and port of HA server. Default is 8123 and if using SSL 443.

const char* ha_ip = "192.168.0.xxx";
uint16_t ha_port = 8123;
const char* ha_pwd = "HA_PASSWORD";

ha.setHAServer(ha_ip, ha_port);
// Optional, but can use SHA1 fingerprint to confirm one is connecting to 
String fingerprint = "35 85 74 EF 67 35 A7 CE 40 69 50 F3 C0 F6 80 CF 80 3B 2E 19";

All the commands below do the same thing

Home Assistant

URL: "/api/services/light/turn_on" (HA -> Developer Tools -> Services -> Service)

Component: "light.bedroom_light" (HA -> Developer Tools -> Services -> Entity)

    // 1. Send custom DATA to HA
    ha.sendCustomHAData("/api/services/light/turn_on", "{\"entity_id\":\"light.bedroom_light\"}");
    // 2. Set component and send light to HA // Will set tmpURL to "/api/services/light/turn_on"
    // 3. Set light on/off as bool and component is 2nd input, Send Light to HA 
    //        Will set tmpURL to "/api/services/light/turn_on"
    ha.sendHALight(true, "light.bedroom_light");
    // 4. Set component and URL is 2nd input, Send custom URL to HA
    // 5. Set URL and Send component to HA
    // 6. Set URL 1st argument, component 2nd, send to HA
    ha.sendHAComponent("/api/services/light/turn_on", "light.bedroom_light");
    // 7. Set URL , Set component, send to HA