
Test applications for running Clojure in GraalVM native images and in AWS Lambdas

Primary LanguageShell

Clojure GraalVM testing samples

This repository contains AWS Lambda test programs for Clojure JVM, Clojure GraalVM, regular Java and Python.

Create a common infrastructure with command:

aws cloudformation deploy --stack-name=graal-test-common-infra --template-file=common-infra.yml --capabilities=CAPABILITY_IAM

Create Docker image for GraalVM compilation with command:

docker build -t graal-build-img .

Create API gateway by running


script in the application directories.

After the update script has run it prints the uri for testing the endpoint. Script also create endpoint.uri an latest.tag files which are used by the testing scripts.

Run the test with


The tests work by updating the function code with the latest tag. This causes Lambda to cold start the next invocation. Curl is used to measure time for the cold start and result is written to cold.txt in format http-code,time-in-seconds. Then the script makes five consecutive calls to the Lambda and writes the results to warm.txt. Use your preferred way to calculate statistics from the files.

GraalVM HTTPS support

There is example Dockerfile with HTTPS workarounds, you can use it to create Docker image for GraalVM compilation with command:

docker build -f Dockerfile.https -t graal-build-img .

and then use script update-aws-https.sh to load compiled program to AWS Lambda.