AI Landing Page

Matrix Effect


Welcome to the AI Landing Page project! This repository showcases an interactive and visually stunning landing page that includes:

  • A matrix rain effect
  • Animated bouncing cat and fish GIFs
  • A dynamic progress indicator
  • A debug console with start/stop controls


  • Matrix Effect: A dynamic background inspired by the Matrix movie, rendered using HTML5 Canvas.
  • Animated GIFs: Bouncing and sparkling GIFs of a cat and a fish, adding a playful touch to the page.
  • Progress Indicator: Displays loading progress in a stylish manner.
  • Debug Console: Inline debug console to monitor errors, with buttons to stop/restart animations.


Check out the live demo here.


Bouncing Cat

Bouncing Fish

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these simple steps.


Make sure you have the following installed:


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd ai-landing-page
  2. Install npm packages:

    npm install
  3. Start the local development server:

    npm start
  4. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.


To use this project, simply open index.html in your preferred web browser. The animations and effects will start automatically.

Code Structure

├── index.html
├── server.js
├── package.json
├── netlify.toml

### Explanation:

1. **`netlify.toml` File**:
      base = ""
      publish = ""
      command = ""

2. **One-Click Deploy Button**: The button `[![Deploy to Netlify](](` allows users to deploy the project to Netlify with a single click.

3. **Netlify Badge**: Replace `your-badge-id` and `your-site-name` with your specific details from the Netlify site.

4. **Demo Link**: Update `` with the actual link to your live demo if available.

5. **GIF Previews**: Replace `path/to/your/bouncing_sparkling_cat.gif` and `path/to/your/bouncing_sparkling_fish.gif` with the actual paths to your GIFs.

By following these steps and updating the placeholders with your information, you'll have a professional and functional `` for your GitHub project.