
OralEye prototype software using Raspberry Pi device

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


OralEye prototype software using Raspberry Pi device

This repository contains code for both device side (under rpi folder) and host side (under app folder) control software.

Getting Started

This device describes how to setup host and device environmnet for developers. Users are strongly recommended to use pre-built release binaries (link to be added).

Device Setup

The device should be configured properly and no special setup steps required. The following steps would only be needed if started with vanilla raspberry pi system.

  • Boot up the device with keyboard / mouse and monitor.
  • Download the release zip / tar ball from this repo and uncompress it.
  • Run sudo make rpi-setup from the root of uncompressed repo folder.

All files and settings should be applied. The device will be rebooted and the device is ready to be used.

Host Setup

For user, we recommend download the app executable in release tag. Here we describe the developer setup to build and run from source code.

  • Install node & npm
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies libraries
  • Run make api to generate API SDK if needed.
  • Run npm start to start the host side application

API Stub & Client SDK Generation

The OpenAPI definition can be found in openapi.yaml file. It can be visually edited with swagger editor or any other REST / OpenAPI editing tools.

If changes are made to the openapi.yaml, both API stub on Raspberry Pi and client SDK needs to be updated. We use openapi-generator-cli to auto-generate the code for stub and SDK, which can be installed using following command. sudo may be needed depending on system.

npm install @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli -g

Regeneration can be done with

make api

The corresponding code should be generated to be under app/api and rpi/server folder.

To run the server code on Raspberry pi, install all depencies with pip install -r requirements.txt in OralEye/rpi/server folder. And run the server with python -m openapi_server to start the server. The server will be auto-started upon bootup. In development build, we can run this manually. If code update is made to the openapi_server, it is recommended to re-run the following command from the OralEye/rpi/server folder to ensure the latest updates are taking effects.

sudo pip install --force-reinstall .

Once the server is running, the SwaggerUI / API interface can be found at <IP>:8080/ui.

Core Function Manual

Discovery & Pairing

The OralEye devices are configured to be discoverable through both Wifi and Bluetooth. Wifi discovery is done through mDNS protocol and used for discovery of devices that already on same local network with the host. Bluetooth discover is used for first time pairing, device setup and troubleshooting.


The OralEye camera streams to the address `:8000'. The electron app also hosts the streaming video when the camera is running. You can start and stop the streaming in the electron app.

Camera Control



If openapi related functionalities (e.g. camera controls, lights controls) are not working as expected, host (PC / Mac) side of logs can be found by in inspection panel (option+command+I on mac in electron window). To check the raspberry pi openapi server side log, run following command in rapberry pi terminal

sudo systemctl status openapi_server.service

Some more logs may be found by running

sudo journalctl -u openapi_server.service