
30 Seconds of C++ (STL in C++). Read More about 30C++ here πŸ‘‰

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30 Seconds of C++

30 Seconds Of Standard Template Library in C++

A collection of C++ STL features (functions/libraries) which can be learned in 30 seconds or less

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Header Files


View contents
  1. accumulate
  2. adjacent_difference
  3. adjacent_find
  4. all_of
  5. any_of
  6. binary_search
  7. clamp
  8. copy
  9. copy_backward
  10. copy_if
  11. copy_n
  12. count
  13. count_if
  14. equal
  15. equal_range
  16. fill
  17. find
  18. find_first_of
  19. find_if
  20. find_if_not
  21. for_each
  22. for_each_n
  23. generate
  24. includes
  25. iota
  26. is_heap
  27. is_permutation
  28. is_sorted
  29. iter_swap
  30. lexicographical_compare
  31. linear_search
  32. lower_bound
  33. make_heap
  34. max
  35. max_element
  36. merge
  37. min
  38. min_element
  39. minmax
  40. minmax_element
  41. mismatch
  42. move
  43. next_permutation
  44. none_of
  45. partition
  46. pop_heap
  47. prev_permutation
  48. push_heap
  49. random_shuffle
  50. remove
  51. remove_copy
  52. remove_copy_if
  53. remove_if
  54. replace
  55. replace_copy
  56. replace_copy_if
  57. replace_if
  58. reverse
  59. rotate
  60. search
  61. search_n
  62. set_difference
  63. set_intersection
  64. set_union
  65. shuffle
  66. sort
  67. stable_sort
  68. swap
  69. transform_reduce
  70. unique
  71. upper_bound


View contents
  1. assign
  2. back
  3. begin
  4. cbegin
  5. cend
  6. clear
  7. crbegin
  8. crend
  9. emplace
  10. emplace_back
  11. empty
  12. end
  13. erase
  14. front
  15. insert
  16. merge
  17. pop_front
  18. rbegin
  19. remove
  20. rend
  21. resize
  22. reverse
  23. size
  24. sort
  25. splice
  26. swap
  27. unique


View contents
  1. begin
  2. cbegin
  3. cend
  4. clear
  5. contains
  6. count
  7. crbegin
  8. crend
  9. emplace
  10. emplace_hint
  11. empty
  12. end
  13. erase
  14. find
  15. insert
  16. lower_bound
  17. max_size
  18. rbegin
  19. size
  20. swap
  21. upper_bound


View contents
  1. back
  2. emplace
  3. empty
  4. front
  5. pop
  6. push
  7. size
  8. swap


View contents
  1. begin
  2. cbegin
  3. clear
  4. count
  5. emplace
  6. emplace_hint
  7. empty
  8. end
  9. equal_range
  10. erase
  11. find
  12. insert
  13. lower_bound
  14. max_size
  15. rbegin
  16. rend
  17. size
  18. swap
  19. upper_bound


View contents
  1. emplace
  2. empty
  3. pop
  4. push
  5. size
  6. swap
  7. top


View contents
  1. erase
  2. find
  3. insert
  4. size


View contents
  1. Vector
  2. assign
  3. at
  4. back
  5. begin
  6. capacity
  7. cbegin
  8. cend
  9. clear
  10. crbegin
  11. data
  12. emplace
  13. emplace_back
  14. empty
  15. end
  16. erase
  17. front
  18. get_allocator
  19. insert
  20. max_size
  21. pop_back
  22. push_back
  23. rbegin
  24. rend
  25. reserve
  26. resize
  27. shrink_to_fit
  28. size
  29. sort
  30. swap

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Contributors πŸ’œ πŸŽ‰

Name Profile
TANIYA GUPTA thetaniyagupta
Saumya Agnihotri saumyaagnihtori
shan7030 shan7030
Sonkeng Maldini sdmg15
Pranav Khurana Pranav-Khurana
Rickey Patel rickey90
Kyle Johnson kydojo
Timothy Itodo itodotimothy6
Pankaj Raghav Panky-codes
Thamara Andrade thamara
darksider3 Darksider3
Harsh Raj harshraj22
samuels96 samuels96
  • A big thanks to Shriam Kaushik for the lovely new logo ❀️


πŸ‘€ Bhupesh Varshney

πŸ“ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

πŸ‘‹ Contributing

Please read the updated CONTRIBUTING for the process for submitting pull requests to us.