Problem Set 8: Huffman coding

Due Monday, April 1 @ 11:59pm

Problem Set Overview

This is a pair problem set. Find one partner to work with. If you do not have a partner, email me, and I will try match you up with someone else who is also looking for a partner. Please include the full names of both team members in the comments at the top of your files.


In this problem set, you will team up with one other classmate to design and develop a program called **** which will perform Huffman compression of a text file. If you write your code correctly, you will be able to use the provided Puff.jar program to inflate (decompress) any file that has been compressed by your Huff program.

What you will see in this repository

In addition to a hidden .gitignore file, this folder contains:

Huff.jar       src/
Puff.jar        samples/

The src directory a number of helper files that you will need to use. is an interface (ADT) for reading input and writing output, and is an implementation of that interface. You will use this class for reading in the file you want to compress and for writing out the compressed file. I demonstrate how to use this class in the file provided.

In addition, the src directory contains well commented starter code for and Both files have a lot of code already written for you. The instructions, below, are paraphrased in the comments for these two files.

The samples directory contains a few test files that you can use to test your code. I recommend starting with mississippi.txt which is just the word "MISSISSIPPI".

The file Huff.jar is a Java archive containing a reference implementation of the compression half of the codec. The file Puff.jar is a Java archive containing a reference implementation of the decompression half of the codec. These .jar files contain only compiled Java classes. You will not be able to view the actual code without sneaky efforts.

You can use these .jar files to test whether your code is doing what it should be doing. If you can compress a file with your implementation, and decompress it with the included Puff.jar file, then your code works. You can also inspect the output of Huff.jar and compare it to the output of your code for

Without writing any code, you can try out the jar files from a command line as follows.

> cp samples/lincoln.txt .              # make a copy of lincoln.txt in your current directory
> java -jar Huff.jar lincoln.txt        # this produces file
> rm lincoln.txt                        # this deletes the text file you just zipped
> java -jar Puff.jar        # this produces a new file lincoln.txt
> diff lincoln.txt samples/lincoln.txt  # compare the two files
>                                       # if there's no output from diff, success!

Once you have your version of working properly, you will be able to replace the second command above with

> java Huff lincoln.txt

and get exactly the same results.

Four tasks

There four tasks involved in this problem set:

  1. Reading in a text file and keeping track of how many times you see each character in order to create a frequency table, which you will store in a TreeMap.

  2. Building a Huffman Tree using those frequencies.

  3. Extracting the Huffman codes from the Huffman Tree for each character in the text, which you will store in a TreeMap.

  4. Writing this information, along with a Huffman encoded version of the original text, to a binary file, which will be your compressed file.

Task 1: Creating a frequency table: readInFile() method in

I've given you a TreeMap in called charCounts that will serve as your frequency table. It will map a character (stored as an Integer, which is the ASCII code for that character) to its frequency (also stored as an Integer).

Complete the implementation of readInFile() in For each character you read in, if that character aready exists as a key in the TreeMap, add 1 to its value (i.e., its current frequency total) in the TreeMap. Otherwise, add it as a key to the TreeMap with value 1.

Task 2: Building the Huffman tree

Next you are going to build a Huffman tree that you will be able to traverse to generate the Huffman code (i.e., the sequence of 1s and 0s) for each character, just as shown in class. Some of the code for this step will go in and some of it will go in

mergeTrees() in

First implement mergeTrees() in This takes two HuffTree objects as arguments and merges those two trees into the calling HuffTree object. Make the right child of the calling HuffTree point at the top node of the first argument HuffTree. Make the left child of the calling HuffTree point at the top node of the second argument HuffTree. Make the weight variable of the calling HuffTree object be equal to the sum of the weights of the two argument HuffTrees. The character variable will remain unchanged (i.e., -1).

buildHuffmanTree() in

Next implement the buildHuffmanTree() method in I've created a PriorityQueue of HuffTree objects for you. (You SHOULD NOT write your own priority queue implementation. You can read about Java's PriorityQueue class here) You will need to populate the PriorityQueue with one HuffTree per character, as follows.

For each character key in your TreeMap, create a HuffTree instance. Initially, the top of each HuffTree will be a Node that has null pointers for its right child and left child, and has the character variable set to the character and the weight variable set to the frequency of that character. Add each new HuffTree you create to the PriorityQueue using the add() method.

You will now have a PriorityQueue with one HuffTree for each character. While there is more than one HuffTree in the PriorityQueue, follow this procedure to iteratively merge HuffTree objects into a single HuffmanTree: (1) create a new empty HuffTree object, called t3; (2) use the poll() method in PriorityQueue to get the two HuffTrees with the smallest weights, t1 and t2. Call mergeTrees() on t3 with the first argument as t1 and the second argument as t2. Add t3 to the PriorityQueue using add().

Task 3: Extracting the Huffman codes

After merging all these HuffTree objects, the PriorityQueue now contains exactly one element: the full Huffman tree for the input text. Remove the remaning HuffTree from the priority queue, and save it to the finalTree instance variable.

getCodes() in

In, complete the implementation of getCodes(). This method reads off the path to each leaf (character) in the calling HuffTree and saves out the character-path pair to its codes TreeMap instance variable. Here is some pseudocode you might find useful.

public String getCodes(Node n, String path) {
  if n is null
    return s

  if the node's leftchild and rightchild are both null
    you are at a leaf!
    enter character of n and its path as a key-value pair in the codes TreeMap
    return s
  if the left child is not null
    create a new String by appending "0" to path  
    call the method with the left child and the new string as arguments
  if the right child is not null
    create a new string by appending "1" to path  
    call the method with the left child and the new string as arguments

extractCodes() in

In the extractCode() method in, call the getCodes() method on finalTree, and then set huffCodes in to equal the codes variable of finalTree.

Task 4: Writing to a binary file: writeOutFile() in

You will use the BinaryOut class, an instance of which is created by the FileIOC class in, to print out to the compressed binary file. Complete the implementation of the writeOuFile() method in, as follows.

  1. Open the binary output file. (Code for this is included in

  2. Write out the signature two-byte code (0x0bc0), which identifies the file as our special zip file. This and all of the following steps that involve writing out to the binary file will use the overloaded write() method in the BinaryOut class, as shown in the code I have provided.

  3. Write out, as an integer (32 bits, i.e., 4 bytes), the number of chars (keys) in the frequency table TreeMap.

  4. Next write out the symbol frequency information. For each key in the symbol table, write the key (i.e., the character) using one byte (32 bits) and write its integer frequency using 4 bytes. Remember, a char type is really just a value that corresponds to the decimal ASCII code for that character. To write out a char using only one byte, you can use the version of write() in BinaryOut that takes two arguments: a char and the number of bits in the char that you want to print out.

  5. Reopen the input file, and process it character by character.

  6. For each character in the input file, look up its bit pattern in the frequency table and write it out to the binary file. You have two options for doing this using the write() method in BinaryOut:

  • You can convert the string of 0s and 1s to an int using Integer.parseInt(), with the first argument being the String of 0s and 1s and the second argument being the int radix, 2. This will create an int that corresponds to the value expressed by string of 0s and 1s in binary. You can then call the write() method of BinaryOut with two arguments: the int you just created and the number of bits you want to print, which will be length of the original string.
    String t = "101";
    int i = Integer.parseInt(t, 2);
    bo.write(i, t.length());
  • You can proceed through the string of 0s and 1s, print out each as a boolean: false for 0 and true for 1.
    // to write a zero, write false
  1. Close the file.

Helpful Hints

Working with binary files: hexdump

The Huff and Puff programs write and read binary files, so it will be helpful to have a tool that lets you view the contents of binary files so you can make sure you are printing out the correct bits and bytes.

On a Mac or Unix system, there is a command line utility called hexdump that you can use to take any file and print out its hexadecimal representation. On Windows 10 in the PowerShell, you can use the Format-Hex command. Suppose you used the Puff.jar to compress the sample file lincoln.txt. From a command line you can type:

hexdump (or Format-Hex in Windows 10)

and the hexadecimal version of the file will appear, as demonstrated in class.

If you're having trouble wrapping your head around all the different bases (decimal, binary, and hex), check out this very useful online conversion tool:

And don't forget to find a handy ASCII table for when you are reading your hexdump and you want to make sure you've written out the right characters.

Bits of variable length

Huffman codes are variable length codes. For example, the letter 'A' may be represented by the 3-bit string 101 while the letter 'B' may be represented by the 2-bit string 11. Remember: you can't just take the string of 0s and 1s for a code, convert it to an int and print it out. If you do, you will be unnecessarily adding lots of extra zeros at the front in order to make it 32 bits. You are trying to write the fewest bits possible to your binary file.

Some options for printing out only the bits you need are discussed above in item 6 of Task 4, above.

The char data type and ASCII representations

Both the Huff and Puff programs will require a table data structure (a TreeMap) that allows them to look up information about symbols (i.e., characters) that occur in the input text. As you know, variables of the char type are represented by small integers. For example, the ASCII-assigned integer representation of the letter 'A' is 65. Find an ASCII table (like this one) that includes both decimal and hex values for each character so that you can make sure you're doing everything right.

Java has a 16-bit (2-byte) char data type. When you write out to the binary file, you are required to use only 8 bits in your frequency table. I discuss a way to write out a 16-bit char to 8 bits in the binary file above, in part 6 of Task 3.

Important notes on grading

  1. The files must be in the src directory. Do not move files around, or things will go very wrong. You will lose points for moving files out of the src directory.

  2. Your code must compile. If it does not compile, you will get a 0. Get started early so that you do not run into compilation errors in the late evening the day it is due.

  3. Comment your code and indent propertly. This will be worth 10% of your grade on this problem set (i.e., 1 point).