Sample application for Bluemix Object Storage

This project includes sample source codes to utilize object storage in Bluemix. You can learn how to list containers, create a container, list objects, and upload files.

How to run this application

This app is a node.js based application. Install required packages through this command.

npm install

And run application.

npm start

You can access the test UI through http://localhost:3000

Which features are included

Using pkgcloud library

  • create container
  • list containers
  • list objects in a container
  • upload a file to a container

Not using pkgcloud library

  • authenticate
  • create container
  • list containers
  • list objects in a container
  • upload a file to a container

How to test

Using pkgcloud library

Enable toggle button and click each button. The result will be shown in the right pane.

Not using pkgcloud library

Disable toggle button and click each button. The result will be shown in the right pane.