
Starter project for creating a Drone Plugin with Ruby

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Starter project for creating a Drone Plugin with Ruby


Build and Repository metadata are prefixed with DRONE_ and sent to the plugin at runtime. The full list of available parameters are already included in the lib/drone_plugin/cli.rb file as environment variable options. You should remove un-used parameters from the list so that one can easily see which parameters are used by which plugins.

Example parameters:

use :DRONE_BUILD_NUMBER, "build number", class: ::Integer, default: -1
use :DRONE_BUILD_STATUS, "build status", class: ::String,  default: "success"


Plugin parameters are defined in the yaml file:

  name: "Drone"
  template: "Hello, {{ config.name }}!"

They are prefixed with PLUGIN_ and sent to the plugin at runtime:

PLUGIN_TEMPLATE="Hello, {{ config.name }}!"

These parameters can be retrieved using ENV! as seen below:


Note: These are passed to DronePlugin::Plugin as opts and duck-typed for #[]


Sensitive fields should not be specified in the yaml file. Instead they are passed to your plugin as environment variable. Secrets should use a prefix that corresponds to the plugin name. For example, the Slack plugin prefixes secrets with SLACK_:


Please replace the logo.svg file with a meaningful svg logo for your plugin. If you are you building a Slack plugin, for example, please provide the Slack logo. This icon is displayed when your plugin is listed in the official plugin index.


Please provide a DOCS.md file in the root of your repository that documents plugin usage. This documentation is displayed when your plugin is listed in the official plugin index. Use the README.md file to describe building and testing the plugin locally.


Images are distributed as Docker images in the public Docker registry. Please use a minimalist alpine image when possible to limit the image download size. We are also working on supporting multiple plugin architectures, with compatibility guidelines coming soon


Please create plugins that are easily runnable from the command line. This makes it much easier to debug and test plugins locally without having to launch actual builds.