
Automatic responses for Google Chat and Hangouts.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

Autoresponder for Google Chat and Hangouts

Autoresponder is a Django project that hosts static Google Chat/Hangouts bots.

It's intended for people who have multiple Google accounts which forward email to one main account. In this setup, chat messages sent to a forwarding account will never be seen. Autoresponder lets them set up a response directing people elsewhere, and optionally notifying them of a new message.

If you'd like to use it, sign up at https://gchat.simon.codes.


If you're only hosting for yourself, it's easy to run a bot without the django site.

First, install the dependencies and connect your account:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python standalone_bot.py auth

You only need to run this once. The OAuth credentials will be written to your current working directory.

Then, start the bot:

$ python standalone_bot.py run my-email@gmail.com 'my autoresponse'

Email notifications aren't currently supported when self-hosting. You can track progress towards support in #7.

project layout

  • gchatautorespond/apps/autorespond: main django app
  • gchatautorespond/lib/chatworker: manages chat bots
  • test: tests
  • ops: ansible config (3rd party roles vendorized)
  • secrets: prod secrets (managed with transcypt)
  • assets: served with dj-static (not nginx because I'm lazy)


To create a new dev environment:

  • create a new virtualenv
  • pip install -r test_requirements.txt
  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=gchatautorespond.settings_dev python manage.py migrate


  • run locally: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=gchatautorespond.settings_dev python manage.py supervisor
  • run tests: DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=gchatautorespond.settings_dev ./manage.py test test/