
Style conflict with Bulma in Tabs

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The bottom border of the first item is still visible while it is selected. It only conflicts with the first item. I was working with Buefy which is based on Bulma. So I tested with both Bulma and Buefy tab component. See the attached image.

screenshot from 2019-02-17 12-18-26

Hey buddy, i m confusing which style in my project conflict with your component, any further information? Thanks.

I would love to provide more help. But as I do not have a good front-end knowledge, I cannot specifically tell you which style is creating the malfunction. I just can say that as soon as I put a Tab component inside the drawer content, the style of the first item of the tab behaves weirdly. To be sure, I tried with two different project, and the outcome is same.

Got any online demo?

Unfortunately no. Let's see if I can share one in codepen or something.

Buddy, I have added a demo on https://codesandbox.io/s/jnl5pjrx33. See if it can help.

Modify the class content to section


Thanks buddy. Appreciated. ๐Ÿ˜„