
Verify environment variables exist before doing something

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Setup (after install):

npx env-assert
yarn env-assert
pnpm env-assert

This will create an example config file


Here you can setup your required and optional environment variables

import type { CreateEnvVarsType } from "env-assert";

const required = ["FOO"] as const;
const optional = ["BAR"] as const;

const config = {

export default config;

export type EnvVars = CreateEnvVarsType<typeof config>;

How to use

Run env-assert before any script, for example:

yarn env-assert && yarn build

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Pass the type of your config to CreateEnvVarsType to receive a type that you can use to extend ProcessEnv, so you know what variables are available. 👌 CleanShot 2022-11-27 at 8 23 12


import { EnvVars } from "./env-assert.config";

export declare global {
  declare namespace NodeJS {
    interface ProcessEnv extends EnvVars {}