
Action waiting for live site or preview branch to be deployed. Using pure Netlify API and minimum config.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🐢 Wait for Netlify Deploy — A GitHub Action

Waiting for deploy logo

Action waiting for live site or preview branch to be deployed. Using pure Netlify API and minimum config.

How it works

Using your site API Id, action will poll Netlify API to get proper deploy status of the build related to the commit. It supports any flows, like direct pushes to main branch or pull request flows.

You just have go to Netlify Site Settings menu, and find API Id:

Screenshot of Netlify menu to find API Id

Live site

After pushing to master, action takes head commit, fetch Netlify deploy to related commit and check the status. After deploy is ready - it output URL for next action usage.

Preview site

Netlify has deploy previews. On created pull request, Netlify spins up separate deploy to allow user see their changes. Action takes pull request commit, fetches Netlify deploy and checks the status. After deploy is ready - it output URL (like - https://{deployId}--modest-murdock-6e792e.netlify.app) for next action usage.

Action uses permalink e.g. https://61bf94e5e73b010007ea2a05--modest-murdock-6e792e.netlify.app instead of deploy preview URL like https://deploy-preview-1--modest-murdock-6e792e.netlify.app. Permalink has pure site deploy without any additional scripts, while deploy preview enables more collaboration using Netlify Drawer.

Read Netlify docs about deploy deifnitions.



Required The API id of the Netlify site


Optional — The amount of time to spend waiting on Netlify deploy to be created.



Url of a site deploy related to the commit.

How is it different from other Actions?

I was inspired by https://github.com/JakePartusch/wait-for-netlify-action. Hence this repo is a fork and keeps track of commits history for that action, but bringing new API and workflow.


Recipe using with Lighthouse CI GitHub Action

Netlify permalink deploy has disabled crawling option. Reponse header for the site is set to x-robots-tag: noindex not to crawl other site deploy rather than main site. You have to consider that while configuring action, otherwise Lighthouse will low down score for SEO category.

name: Lighthouse CI for Netlify site
      - main
      - main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Use Node.js 12.x
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 12.x
      - name: Wait Netlify
        uses: denar90/wait-for-netlify-action@v2.0.2
        id: waitForNetlify
          site_id: "c8e5be00-c431-44a5-bb0d-a179e1dd72f9"
      - name: Set LHCI config
        shell: bash
        run: echo "::set-output name=file::${{github.event_name == 'pull_request' && 'lighthouserc-assertions-preview.json' || 'lighthouserc-assertions.json'}}"
        id: lhciConfig
      - name: Audit URLs using Lighthouse
        uses: treosh/lighthouse-ci-action@v3
          urls: |
            ${{ steps.waitForNetlify.outputs.url }}
            ${{ steps.waitForNetlify.outputs.url }}/about/
            ${{ steps.waitForNetlify.outputs.url }}/projects/
            ${{ steps.waitForNetlify.outputs.url }}/project/nested/lunar-eclipse
            ${{ steps.waitForNetlify.outputs.url }}/project/mars-rover
          configPath: '.github/lighthouse/${{ steps.lhciConfig.outputs.file }}'
          uploadArtifacts: true # save results as an action artifacts
          temporaryPublicStorage: true # upload lighthouse report to the temporary storage