- 1
Make statistics view plot real data.
#39 opened by hjorthjort - 1
Make it possible to rewind, forward and update match from a new state in MatchController.
#40 opened by hjorthjort - 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
Task Queue Thread Class
#34 opened by lol2kpe - 1
Alter User table
#37 opened by lol2kpe - 2
Create value objects for matches and users in the infrastructure layer that can be returned by the facade for database queries
#17 opened by hjorthjort - 0
- 0
Pressing enter on login doesn't fucking log you in
#43 opened by Holmus - 0
- 0
Save matches via ResultsLedger
#42 opened by saser - 2
Create simplified infrastructure for saving and retrieving matches, using a Facade
#11 opened by hjorthjort - 1
Fix null pointer exception getting thrown when you try to login with an unused username
#41 opened by hjorthjort - 1
Gradle tests fail due to the separate thread sometimes not being able to do things in time, DatabaseFacade..
#36 opened by lol2kpe - 1
- 1
Make Match follow the Strategy pattern
#2 opened by hjorthjort - 2
Specify and implement equals() for classes
#8 opened by saser - 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
Add forward and rewind methods to Match
#31 opened by hjorthjort - 0
Add top class documentation
#30 opened by hjorthjort - 1
Make Match use EventBus for event handling
#29 opened by hjorthjort - 0
- 0
Implement logged in user and guest user
#26 opened by hjorthjort - 0
Give Match a spectator
#27 opened by hjorthjort - 0
Make match pausable
#25 opened by hjorthjort - 0
Create the Event Bus
#23 opened by hjorthjort - 1
Refactor match class into several classes
#24 opened by hjorthjort - 2
- 1
- 3
Timestamp to be inserted into database
#16 opened by lol2kpe - 0
Make sure startMatch and endMatch in Match can't be called at the wrong times
#22 opened by hjorthjort - 0
- 0
Move security to model layer
#20 opened by hjorthjort - 0
- 0
- 0
Make ThrowSequence class
#5 opened by hjorthjort - 1
- 0
Use enum for hits and misses
#12 opened by saser - 0
Make enum for Player1 and Player2
#6 opened by hjorthjort - 2
Lock match when it's not ongoing
#1 opened by hjorthjort - 1
- 0
- 1
Implement match rounds
#3 opened by hjorthjort - 0
Throw exception in ThrowSequence if the state you want to update to is not valid
#7 opened by hjorthjort