
CS 345 File Based Desktop Search Engine

Primary LanguageJava

CS 345 File Based Desktop Search Engine



Run the following command to compile the program

javac fdsee.java FileInfo.java enums.java htmlParser.java stemming.java

Running the program

Searching files for the readable files

Execute the following two commands to test the program Note: Make sure to replace filename with your filename and directory with a directory

java fdsee searchable filename
java fdsee searchable directory

Running one of the previous two commands will leave you with a file called fdsee_doclist.txt file Which has all the files that are readable in the directory or if the file is readable

Tokenizing the readable files

java fdsee token filename

Output of this file is stored to a file named fdsee_token.txt

fdsee_token.txt is considered a dump file.

Currently, I have it so it runs the searchable each time even if you run the action token I will have to fix that for later. But for now, it will output the string to standard output like this:

(docID, wordID, wpos, attr)    
java fdsee tokendebug filename

Output of this file is stored to a file named fdsee_tokendebug.txt

fdsee_tokendebug.txt is considered a dump file.

I have it set so now it accept both TEXT and HTML files

(docURL, wordName, wpos, attrValue)    
java fdsee stem directory

Output of this file is stored to a file named fdsee_lexicon.txt and fdsee_doclist.txt

( wordId, wordName, stopword, stemwordID)    
java fdsee stopword directory

Output of this file is stored to a file named fdsee_stopword.txt

fdsee_stopword.txt is considered a dump file.

(wordID, wordName, Stopword)