These scripts replicate main results for the paper entitled "A machine learning perspective on responsible gambling" You can access the paper via
To obtain the results you can just run the script "Step1_Runner.m" which follows these steps:
- Preprocessing: run the script "Builder.m"
- Modelling: to run the main results with logit use the script "MainModeller.m"
- Minimum likelihood: to run the results for a minimum likelihood logit approach, use the script "MinL_Modeller.m"
- Betting on all choices: to run the results for a case of 1/N for all betting outcomes, use the script "UnitBet.m"
- Randomly betting: finally for simulating the random outcome betting use the code "Randomizer.m"
- The results for the main logit model (most skilled) is saved under name: 'Logit_Results.xlsx'
- The results for the second logit model (least skilled) is saved under name:'Logit_Results.xlsx'
- The results for the unit bet model (equal wager on each output) is saved under name:'Unit_Bet(UB)_Results.xlsx'
- The results for the random model (randomly choosing a bet outcome) is saved under name:'Randomizer_Results.xlsx'