
C++ library for Telegram bot API

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


GitHub contributors

C++ library for Telegram bot API.

Documentation is located here.


  • Bot API 3.0 ~ 6.3


Simple echo bot which sends everything it receives:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <tgbot/tgbot.h>

int main() {
    TgBot::Bot bot("PLACE YOUR TOKEN HERE");
    bot.getEvents().onCommand("start", [&bot](TgBot::Message::Ptr message) {
        bot.getApi().sendMessage(message->chat->id, "Hi!");
    bot.getEvents().onAnyMessage([&bot](TgBot::Message::Ptr message) {
        printf("User wrote %s\n", message->text.c_str());
        if (StringTools::startsWith(message->text, "/start")) {
        bot.getApi().sendMessage(message->chat->id, "Your message is: " + message->text);
    try {
        printf("Bot username: %s\n", bot.getApi().getMe()->username.c_str());
        TgBot::TgLongPoll longPoll(bot);
        while (true) {
            printf("Long poll started\n");
    } catch (TgBot::TgException& e) {
        printf("error: %s\n", e.what());
    return 0;

All other samples are located here.



  • CMake
  • Boost
  • OpenSSL
  • ZLib
  • Libcurl (optional unless you want to use curl-based http client CurlHttpClient).

Library installation on Linux

You can install dependencies on Debian-based distibutives with these commands:

sudo apt-get install g++ make binutils cmake libboost-system-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev

You can compile and install the library with these commands:

git clone https://github.com/reo7sp/tgbot-cpp
cd tgbot-cpp
cmake .
make -j4
sudo make install

Alternatively, you can use Docker to build and run your bot. Set the base image of your's Dockerfile to reo7sp/tgbot-cpp.

Library installation on MacOS

You can install dependencies with these commands:

brew install gcc cmake boost openssl zlib curl

You can compile and install the library like Linux instructions.

Library installation on Windows

Download vcpkg and tgbot-cpp

Taken from Vcpkg - Quick Start: Windows.


  • Windows 7 or newer
  • Git
  • Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or greater with the English language pack

First, download and bootstrap vcpkg itself; it can be installed anywhere, but generally we recommend using vcpkg as a submodule for CMake projects, and installing it globally for Visual Studio projects. We recommend somewhere like C:\src\vcpkg or C:\dev\vcpkg, since otherwise you may run into path issues for some port build systems.

> git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg
> .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat

In order to use vcpkg with Visual Studio, run the following command (may require administrator elevation):

> .\vcpkg\vcpkg integrate install

To install the libraries for Windows x64, run:

> .\vcpkg\vcpkg install tgbot-cpp:x64-windows

To install for Windows x86, run:

> .\vcpkg\vcpkg install tgbot-cpp

The library will now be installed and Visual Studio should be able to find the vcpkg installation.

Setup project with CMakeLists

Use the example CMakeLists.txt with changes:

  1. Remove /usr/local/include
  2. Change /usr/local/lib/libTgBot.a to C:/src/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/lib/TgBot.lib or something simmilar according to your own installation path.

Bot compilation

With CMake

Example CMakeLists.txt

Also, you can treat this repository as a submodule of your project, for example, see echobot-submodule.

Without CMake

g++ telegram_bot.cpp -o telegram_bot --std=c++14 -I/usr/local/include -lTgBot -lboost_system -lssl -lcrypto -lpthread

Build options

-DTGBOT_DISABLE_NAGLES_ALGORITHM   # Disable 'Nagle's algorithm'
-DTGBOT_CHANGE_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE  # Socket Buffer Size Expansion
-DTGBOT_CHANGE_READ_BUFFER_SIZE    # Read Buffer Size Expansion


The MIT License.