
Primary LanguageScalaCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

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HMDA Platform

This project is a work in progress

Information contained in this repository should be considered provisional and a work in progress, and not the final implementation for the HMDA Platform, unless otherwise indicated.


For more information on HMDA, checkout the About HMDA page on the CFPB website.

The HMDA Platform

This repository contains the code for the entirety of the HMDA platform backend. This platform has been designed to accommodate the needs of the HMDA filing process by financial institutions, as well as the data management and publication needs of the HMDA data asset.

The HMDA Platform uses sbt's multi-project builds, each project representing a specific task. The platform is an Akka Cluster application that can be deployed on a single node or as a distributed application. For more information on how Akka Cluster is used, see the documentation here

The HMDA Platform is composed of the following modules:

Parser (JS/JVM)

Module responsible for reading incoming data and making sure that it conforms to the HMDA File Specification

Data Validation

Module responsible for validating incoming data by executing validation rules as per the Edit Checks documentation


Module responsible for persisting information into the system. It becomes the system of record for HMDA data


Module responsible for managing the various cluster roles, as well as starting the Hmda Platform


This module contains both public APIs for HMDA data for general use by third party clients and web applications, as well as endpoints for receiving data and providing information about the filing process for Financial Institutions

API Model

This module contains objects and JSON protocols for use by the API project


This module is responsible for interacting with the back-end database, as well as conversion between model objects and database objects.


This module is responsible for parsing and persisting a CSV-format panel file

Model (JS/JVM)

This module is responsible for maintaining the objects used in our platform


This module is responsible for geographic translation (e.g. state number -> state code)


This module generates Aggregate and Disclosure reports, as required by HMDA statute.


Java 8 SDK

The HMDA Platform runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and requires the Java 8 JDK to build and run the project. This project is currently being built and tested on Oracle JDK 8. See Oracle's JDK Install Overview for install instructions.

The HMDA Platform should also run on OpenJDK 8.


The HMDA Platform is written in Scala. To build it, you will need to download and install Scala 2.11.x

In addition, you'll need Scala's interactive build tool sbt. Please refer to sbt's installation instructions to get started.


Though Docker is not a dependency of the Scala project, it is very useful for running and smoke testing locally. Use the following steps to prepare a local environment for running the Platform with docker:

First, make sure that you have the Docker Toolbox installed.

If you don't have a Docker machine created, you can create one with the default parameters using the command below. This will be sufficient for running most docker containers (e.g. the dev dependencies for the API), but not for running the entire platform.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev

If you wish to run the entire platform using Docker (currently the only way to run the entire platform), you'll need to dedicate more resources to the Docker machine. We've found that for the full stack to run efficiently, you need approximately:

  • 4 CPUs
  • 6 GB RAM
  • 80 GB Disk space

Assuming you are using Docker Machine to provision your Docker environment, you can check you current settings with the following (ignore the second Memory):

    $ docker-machine inspect | grep 'CPU\|Memory\|DiskSize'
        "CPU": 4,
        "Memory": 6144,
        "DiskSize": 81920,
        "Memory": 0,

If your settings are below these suggestions, you should create a new Docker VM. The following will create a VM named hmda-platform with the appropriate resources:

    $ docker-machine create \
    --driver virtualbox \
    --virtualbox-disk-size 81920 \
    --virtualbox-cpu-count 4 \
    --virtualbox-memory 6144 \

After the machine is created, make sure that you connect your shell with the newly created machine

$ eval "(docker-machine env dev)"

Building and Running

Building the .jar

  • To build JVM artifacts (the default, includes all projects), from the sbt prompt:
> clean assembly

This task will create a fat jar, which can be executed directly on any JDK8 compliant JVM:

java -jar target/scala-2.11/hmda.jar

Running Interactively

Running the Dependencies

Assuming you have Docker-Compose installed (according to the Docker instructions above), the easiest way to get all of the platform's dependencies up and running with the provided docker-compose dev setup:

docker-compose -f docker-dev.yml up

When finished, use docker-compose down to gracefully stop the running containers.

In order to not get Postgres connection error upon signing a submission, you may want to start up the keycloak image as well.

docker-compose up keycloak

Not having the keycloak image running will produce an error in the console, but will not cause the platform to crash.

Running the API

Once the dependencies (above) are running, follow these steps in a separate terminal session to get the API running with sbt:

  • For smoke testing locally, add the following two environment variables:
    • EDITS_DEMO_MODE: This will allow you to use the sample files in this repo for testing the app. Otherwise, edit S025 will trigger for all files.
    • HMDA_IS_DEMO: This uses configuration files that allow running the app locally, instead of in a cluster.
export EDITS_DEMO_MODE=true
export HMDA_IS_DEMO=true
  • Start sbt
$ sbt
  • Select project to build and run.This will retrieve all necessary dependencies, compile Scala source, and start a local server. It also listens for changes to underlying source code, and auto-deploys to local server.
> project cluster
> clean
> ~re-start

Confirm that the platform is up and running by browsing to http://localhost:8080

When finished, press enter to get the sbt prompt, then stop the project by entering reStop.

Running the Project with Docker

To run only the API

First, ensure there's a compiled jar to create the Docker image with:

sbt clean assembly

Build the docker image

docker build -t hmda-api .

Then, run the docker image

docker run -d -p "8080:8080 -p 8082:8082" hmda-api

The Filing API will run on $(docker-machine ip):8080 The Public API will run on $(docker-machine ip):8082

By default, the HDMA Platform runs with a log level of INFO. This can be changed by establishing a different log level in the HMDA_LOGLEVEL environment variable. For the different logging options, see the reference.conf default configuration file for Akka.

API Load Testing

A load testing scenario for the API has been built using Gatling. The parameters for this test can be configured in the cluster/src/test/resources/application.conf file. To run the default scenario:

$ sbt
> project cluster
> gatling:test

After the test is run, some statistics will be presented on the screen. To further study the results of the test, a report can be opened on a browser from the sbt prompt:

> gatling:lastReport

** NOTE: The load test requires the sample panel file to be loaded before running it.

To run the entire platform

  1. Ensure you have a Docker Machine with sufficient resources, as described in the Docker section above.

  2. Clone hmda-platform-ui, hmda-platform-auth, and hmda-pub-ui into the same directory as hmda-platform.

     ~/dev/hmda-project$ ls -l
     drwxr-xr-x  22 lortone  staff   748B Jul 27 16:28 hmda-platform/
     drwxr-xr-x  25 lortone  staff   850B Jul 25 17:13 hmda-platform-ui/
     drwxr-xr-x  23 lortone  staff   796B Jul 28 17:15 hmda-platform-auth/
     drwxr-xr-x  23 lortone  staff   796B Jul 28 17:15 hmda-pub-ui/
  3. Build hmda-platform-ui

     cd hmda-platform-ui && \
     yarn && \
     cd ..

    Note: This requires yarn to be installed.

  4. Build hmda-pub-ui

     cd hmda-pub-ui && \
     yarn && \
     cd ..

    Note: This requires yarn to be installed.

  5. Build hmda-platform

     cd hmda-platform && \
     sbt clean assembly
  6. Launch the stack with Docker Compose

     docker-compose up

    This will bring up all the HMDA Platform services. The first run may take several minutes.

  7. Discover your Docker host's IP

     echo $DOCKER_HOST

    ...or if using Docker Machine...

     docker-machine ip

    Note: Docker Machine generally defaults to We reference that IP throught this doc. If your Docker host IP differs, please adjust these instructions to match the Docker host IP provided by your system.

  8. Use it! Below are steps representing a standard HMDA filing:

    1. Browse to the app at

    2. Select the "Login" button. This will redirect your browser to the Keycloak login screen.

    3. Select "create and account" on the login screen.

    4. Enter you account information and select "Register".

      Note: You must register with an email address from our whitelist of email domains. For convenience, bank0.com and bank1.com address should be available automatically.

    5. Browse to the mock email server at, and select the verification link in the email found there. This should take you back to the HMDA filing web app, now logged in.

      Note: This "MailDev" services is for development purposes only. In the case of an actual HMDA filing, you would receive a confirmation to your actual email account.

    6. Submit a HMDA filing. Several sample files can be found here.

  9. To view the publication UI (hmda-pub-ui) go to

Updating an existing system

If you've updated any of the hmda-platform services, and would like to see those changes reflected in the Docker Compose setup, the simplest way to do this is to rebuild everything from scratch. The following command should be executed from within the hmda-platform directory.

docker-compose stop -t0 && \
docker-compose rm -vf && \
cd ../hmda-platform-ui && \
yarn && \
cd ../hmda-pub-ui && \
yarn && \
cd ../hmda-platform && \
sbt clean assembly && \
docker-compose build --no-cache && \
docker-compose up
Service URLs

When running the full stack via Docker Compose, the following services are available:

Service URL
Filing UI
Filing API (Unsecured)
Filing API (Secured)
Reports UI
Admin API
Public API

Development conveniences

Mounted volumes

For convenience when doing development on the UI, Auth setup, and API, the docker-compose file uses a volumes which mounts

  • the ui's dist/ directory into the hmda-platform-ui container,
  • the publication ui's reports/ directory into the hmda-pub-ui container,
  • the hmda.jar into hmda-platform container,
  • and the hmda themes directory in the auth repo into the keycloak container.

This means you can make changes to the UI, publication UI, Keycloak theme, or API and (in most cases) view them without needing to rebuild their respective containers.

In order to view changes in the API you need to rebuild the jar and then restart the container:

# from the hmda-platform directory
sbt clean assembly
docker-compose stop
docker-compose up

To allow continued rebuilding of the front-end, you can run the following:

# from the hmda-platform-ui and/or hmda-pub-ui directory
npm run watch


CFPB is developing the HMDA Platform in the open to maximize transparency and encourage third party contributions. If you want to contribute, please read and abide by the terms of the License for this project.

We use GitHub issues in this repository to track features, bugs, and enhancements to the software. Pull Requests are welcome

Open source licensing info

  1. TERMS
  3. CFPB Source Code Policy

Credits and references

  1. Projects that inspired you
  1. Related projects