A powerful open source data warehouse system. InterMine allows users to integrate diverse data sources with a minimum of effort, providing powerful web-services and an elegant web-application with minimal configuration. InterMine powers some of the largest data-warehouses in the life sciences, including:
For details, please visit: InterMine Documentation
If you run an InterMine, or use one in your research, in order to improve the chance of continued funding for the InterMine project it would be appreciated if groups that use InterMine or parts of InterMine would let us know.
For a guide on getting started with InterMine, please visit: quick start tutorial
As long as you have the prerequisites installed (Java, PostgreSQL), you can get a working data-warehouse and associated web-application by running an automated bootstrap script:
# Set up tomcat
# For a genomic application, with test data from Malaria
# For the testmodel
This requires that you have all the software dependencies
installed and running with the appropriate user permissions
(postgres, Tomcat, Java SDK). You will need to have set up usernames
and passwords for Tomcat and postgres first, and these can be
provided to the setup scripts as PSQL_USER
Copyright (C) 2002-2018 FlyMine
See LICENSE file for licensing information.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation
InterMine: a flexible data warehouse system for the integration and analysis of heterogeneous biological data.
Smith RN, Aleksic J, Butano D, Carr A, Contrino S, Hu F, Lyne M, Lyne R, Kalderimis A, Rutherford K, Stepan R, Sullivan J, Wakeling M, Watkins X, Micklem G.
Bioinformatics (2012) 28 (23): 3163-3165.