Job Scrapper

A job scrapper with a management interface built in Django, and containerized with Docker for easy deployment.

Table of contents



Setup was tested using Docker Desktop for Mac v2.3.0.3 which comes bundled with Engine v19.03.8 and Compose v1.25.5


git clone
cd django-pgpostgis

Environment Variables

The .env.template file lists all variables required for a proper setup. These settings are used to automatically set up a new database when starting up the database docker container.

Most of the variables are set with sample values within angle brackets. Create a copy of the template file as shown below and update all sample values in the new .env file. The new values should not have the angle brackets.

# create copy of .env.template named .env
# NOTE: .env files should never be committed to a repo
cp .env.template .env

Database Settings

Configure the PostgreSQL superuser login credentials under the PG SUPERUSER section, and the name of the new application database and an associated user login credentials under the APP DATABASE section within the .env file. It is considered best practice to have a separate database user with non-admin privileges for interacting with the application database.

More variables have been added to the APP DATABASE section, these variables are used by the Django application to build a connection string used to connect to the application database.

Django App Settings

Configure Django specific settings that control aspects of the application as explained in the official Django documentation found here. Provided below is a brief description of core settings configurable using the .env file:

    List of host/domain names (or IP addresses) that the application should handle HTTP requests for.
    When DEBUG is set to True its effective value is ['localhost', ''], meaning only requests
    from the host system will be processed. Ideal for local development.

    Turns on/off debug mode. When set to True detailed error traceback is displayed when an exception
    occurs. This is ideal for local development. THIS SHOULD BE TURNED OFF WHEN RUN IN PRODUCTION.

    A key used for cryptograhic signing of cookies and other Django resources. This should be set to
    a unique, unpredictable valule. DJANGO WILL REFUSE TO START IF NOT SET.


docker-compose up

This will:

  • build an image for the webapp docker service named djpgp-webapp based on the configurations and commands provided in the Dockerfile found in the project root directory.

  • start a docker container for the database and webapp docker services

  • bind the host port 9876 to the postgres port 5432 so that an application like pgAdmin installed on the host can be used to view and interact with the database inside the docker container.

  • bind the host port 8888 to the Django development server port 8000 so that the running Django application can be accessed from outside the webapp docker container.

  • create and associate a volume named djpgp-database_data with the database container if one doesn't already exist for the storage of database data files.

  • create default postgres databases, configure the superuser, and create the application database and application user using configured settings in the .env file inside the database docker container.

    NOTE: these settings only take effect when the container has no associated volume or when the volume doesn't already have database data files. If a volume with database data files already exist, these are used on all subsequent starting of the database container unless the volume is deleted. See the docker notes for postgres, under the Initialization scripts section for more details about this.

  • creates a mapped volume for the webapp container; the webapp folder on the host system within the project root directory is mapped (linked) to /app/webapp folder within the container. This allows local changes made to files within the webapp folder on the host to reflect automatically inside the container. This is ideal for local development and eliminates the need to constantly rebuild the webapp image in order for changed files to be included in the image and available within containers created from the image on subsequent runs of docker-compose up.

Access the Django application running within the webapp container at http://localhost:8888/ from your browser.

How-To Guides

How-to instructions can be found within the docs/how-to folder.

Setup Overview

Directory Contents

django-pgpostgis/                 : project root directory
├── docs/                         : contains .md files with how-to instructions
├── scripts/                      : contains bash scripts
|   ├── postgres/
|   |   └──          : bash script mounted to database service image and run during container startup
|   └──                  : bash script added to webapp service iamge and run during container startup
├── webapp/                       : django application created via `django-admin startproject webapp`
|   ├── jobs/                     : django app added via `django-admin startapp jobs`
|   ├── webapp/                   : contains python modules for django core settings and others for url, wsgi etc
|   └──                 : django management script
├── .editorconfig                 : contains coding style settings that can be shared across Editors and IDEs
├── .env.template                 : template file for .env file defining all env vars to run setup successfully
├── .gitignore
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile                    : version of Dockerfile for building webapp image which uses pip
├── Pipfile                       : list of library dependencies for the django application maintained by pipenv
├── Pipfile.lock                  : lock file generated by pipenv to accompany Pipfile

Fetch and Run Updates

From within the project root directory execute the set of commands provided below to fetch, build and run the application setup using the latest changes with the code repository within GitHub.

Remember to update the .env file with any newly added environment variables. Kindly refer to the latest section within the Changelog file to determine what the new variables are. Add the new variables and set desired values.

# pull latest changes
git pull

# stop running containers
docker-compose down

# build new image with latest changes
docker-compose build --no-cache

# run application
docker-compose up

# if migration fails during container startup, drop the database volume with
# then run the application again via `docker-compose up`
docker volume rm djpgp-database_data

With the application running visit:

Loading Sample Data

Load sample companies (2) and openings (3) data into the database with:

docker-compose run --rm webapp loadsample

Running Django Commands

# run all unit tests with (alias for `manage test --keepdb ./webapp/jobs/tests/`)
docker-compose run --rm webapp manage tests

# see available django management commands with
docker-compose run --rm webapp manage help

# run the scrapejobs command manually with
docker-compose run --rm webapp manage scrapejobs

# run other django management commands using
docker-compose run --rm webapp manage [command]