
error message when I ran /DeepDTA/deepdta-toy/

xuzhang5788 opened this issue · 8 comments

I got the following error message:

File "", line 548, in
File "/home/pharma1/venv_silico/lib/python3.5/", line 241, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp1588488527.3336222/'

Please help me. Many thanks

Hello @xuzhang5788, one reason might be because you previously ran the code with sudo.

Thank you for your fast reply.
No, I didn't run it with sudo. I ran it at the virtual environment in which I ran your code at DeepDTA/source/ without any problems.

Hi @xuzhang5788, as above is the only time I faced this issue I have no other suggestions unfortunately. How about trying these solutions? one two three

@hkmztrk Thank you.

I restarted the terminal, it worked. However, it ran with CPU, not GPU. I don't know why.

I have to restart the machine to use GPU, otherwise the GPU memory wasn't released. I don't know if you could add some lines in you .py file to release GPU.

I used:
python --num_windows 32
--seq_window_lengths 8 12
--smi_window_lengths 4 8
--batch_size 256
--num_epoch 100
--max_seq_len 1000
--max_smi_len 100
--train_path 'data/DTC/'
--test_path 'data/mytest/'
--problem_type 1
--isLog 0
--log_dir 'logs/'

and finished running without any errors in about 2 hours.

But the log file showed:

Namespace(batch_size=256, binary_th=0.0, checkpoint_path='', isLog=0, learning_rate=0.001, log_dir='logs/1588543837.272291/', max_seq_len=1000, max_smi_len=100, num_classes=0, num_epoch=100, num_hidden=0, num_windows=[32], problem_type=1, seq_window_lengths=[8, 12], smi_window_lengths=[4, 8], test_path='data/mytest/', train_path='data/DTC/')
---Parameter Search-----
P1 = 0, P2 = 0, P3 = 0, CI-i = 0.000000, CI-ii = 0.000000, MSE = 69.223587
P1 = 0, P2 = 0, P3 = 1, CI-i = 0.000000, CI-ii = 0.000000, MSE = 45.228275
P1 = 0, P2 = 1, P3 = 0, CI-i = 0.000000, CI-ii = 0.000000, MSE = 60.011765
P1 = 0, P2 = 1, P3 = 1, CI-i = 0.000000, CI-ii = 0.000000, MSE = 74.286850
best param index = 0
Test Performance CI
Test Performance MSE
Setting 1
avg_perf = 0.00000, avg_mse = 69.22359, std = 0.00000

It looks weird some how.

Hello @xuzhang5788,

if tensorflow-gpu is installed in your machine, then the code automatically runs on GPU. I think somehow you are able to access GPU via sudo - hence the previous error with permission error.

it is expected that toy example yield to a poor performance since I made up an example binding affinity data just for the purpose of illustration and we don't know the true labels. You can replace these example files with your own data.

Thank you so much. I will try later.