
Easily share files in multiple times with a single link! Built using Vue.js on Cloudflare Workers, with Durable Objects, R2 and Cloudflare Pages.

Primary LanguageVue


Easily share files in multiple times with a single link!

Built using Vue.js on Cloudflare Workers, with Durable Objects and R2. Also supports end-to-end files encryption (using AES-256-GCM).

This project was made for the Cloudflare Developer Challenge 2022 and was selected as one of the winners 🎉⚡️

Why ?

When working with several people, it is often necessary to send files to each other. There are many services to send a single file, but I haven't found one that allows you to send several files in several times without having to send a new link each time.


  • Use a single link to share multiple files in multiples times
  • End-to-end AES-256-GCM files encryption support
  • Blazing fast thanks to Cloudflare Workers
  • Uploaded/deleted files are instantly visible by everyone in the session

Planned features

  • Support for larger files using multipart upload (currently limited to 100 MB)