Tag Server

A toy REST server intended to help the author get more familiar with:

  • Swagger
  • Guice
  • Gradle
  • PB&K
  • JDBI
  • Kotlin

The server tracks arbitrary tags applied to users, with the expectation that updates may arrive out-of-order.


Provides a single endpoint /api/tags which accepts tag update requests for a user and returns their current set of tags.

Request format:

  "user": "bob",
  "timestamp": 1000,
  "add": ["tag1, tag2"],
  "remove": ["tag3"]

The user field is always required. The add and remove fields are always optional. If neither add nor remove is specified then timestamp is optional and ignored.

Response format:

  "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"]

where tags may be empty.


This service stores tag data in Postgres. An instance matching the provided config.yml can be easily spun up with:

docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=lolsecurity -p 5432:5432 postgres

If running postgres in some other way, edits to config.yml may be required. Running the server itself is done via gradle:

gradle run --args="server config.yml"