
Graph maven project dependencies

Primary LanguageRuby

Maven Dependency Grapher


Only display-svg-in-browser is really tested.

This should be split into multiple files but I'm lazy.

I'm bad at dynamic languages and this is the first thing longer than 5 lines I've written in ruby. It's pretty bad.


  • Ruby 2.x
  • Maven 3.x
  • GraphViz 2.x
  • Unflatten (Usually packaged with GraphViz)


Expects to be run at the root of a maven project.

./mdeps.rb [OPTIONS] [PATTERNS]


--browser COMMAND

When viewing result directly, what viewing program to invoke. Must accept a single filename as its first argument to open. Default: google-chrome

--output-file OUTPUT

Where to write the generated graph. use '-' to write to stdout.

-f <svg|pdf|png>

What format to generate. Currently svg, pdf, and png are supported. Default: svg

--scopes SCOPES

Currently Broken Dependency scopes to include, comma separated. See maven docs for full list. Default: compile,runtime


Currently Broken due to a maven dependency plugin bug. Controls whether mvn dependency:tree is invoked with the verbose flag. Default: false.


Produce debugging output. Default: false


The generated graph includes all paths from project parent/modules to dependencies matching provided patterns. Project roots are marked with a black fill. Nodes matching any of the search patterns are marked with gold.


Currently only matching on group and artifact are supported. Matching uses implicitly anchored globbing. Dependencies are considered matching if they match any of the provided patterns.

Match exact dep:

./mdeps.rb 'dep-group:dep-artifact'

Match everything with either group or artifact of search-str:

./mdeps.rb 'search-str'

Match anything with search-str in either the group or artifact:

./mdeps.rb '*search-str*'

Match anything with search-str in the artifact:

./mdeps.rb '*:*search-str*'

Specifying no patterns will generate a graph of all dependencies.