#jQuery plugin to impliment HTML5 form storage
Supports HTML5 localStorage, sessionStorage or cookie support for older browsers. Optional AES encryption support. Optional degraded cookie support (with plug-in, see *requirements). Now supports auto-save for form elements to prevent loss of work prior to form submission.
Fork me @ https://www.github.com/jas-/jQuery.handleStorage
- jQuery libraries (required - http://www.jquery.com)
- jQuery cookie plugin (optional - http://plugins.jquery.com/files/jquery.cookie.js.txt)
- Gibberish-AES libraries (optional - https://github.com/mdp/gibberish-aes)
- HTML5 localStorage support
- HTML5 sessionStorage support
- Cookie support
- AES encryption support
- Quota support (4k for cookies and 5mb for HTML5 mechanisms)
- appID: Unique application identifier
- interval: Auto-save interval (default is 5sec)
- storage: HTML5 localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies supported
- aes: Use AES encryption for client storage objects
- callback: Executes a callback function on success saves
- preCallback: Executes a callback function prior to any saves
- errCallback: Executes a callback function when any save was unsuccessful
A quick note on security. Currently (02.17.2012), a cross-domain bypass proof of concept vulnerability exists. Reference: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/51765/discuss
To help protect sensitive data employing the optional AES feature will assist in protecting the client storage information, moreover, local browser compromises exist when two people use the same machine. If you would like to provide the more secure method of saving form data the use of the 'sessionStorage' option will provide a 'per session' method of auto-saving to the client storage mechanisms. Additionally the use of the optional AES encryption feature will provide transparent encryption of the auto-saving features this plug-in provides.
The localStorage option within HTML5 allows for persistent client storage of key/value pairs. This is the default method of client storage.
The default use is simple and users persistent storage by implementing the HTML5 localStorage option
By specifying the appID variable you can separate multiple forms as the default use will combine all forms into sub-objects of the default appID
You have the option of specifying the interval of the auto-save feature. Currently the default is 5 seconds. In this example we specify 30 seconds.
If you wish to use persistent storage and provide some additional security to the saved form data a transparent AES-CBC encryption method is available. This option does require the Gibberish-AES plug-in as noted above.
Specifying the sessionStorage option allows for client storage of form data ONLY while the users browser is open. This is the more secure option in terms of a web application which requires authentication.
An example of using the sessionStorage HTML5 option
Here is an example of specifying the sessionStorage option with a custom appID for client storage.
You have the option of specifying the interval of the auto-save feature. Currently the default is 5 seconds. In this example we specify 30 seconds.
This example provides the best security of client storage data as the client closes their browser the data gets reset and while the users browser is open the data is encrypted with the AES-CBC cipher
For those users that are still using older browsers option cookie storage is available but requires the jquery cookie plugin (see above for URL)
An example using cookies with a custom appID (good for multiple forms if you wish to segregate the storage objects)
You have the option of specifying the interval of the auto-save feature. Currently the default is 5 seconds. In this example we specify 30 seconds.
An example using AES-CBC encryption with degraded cookie support.
Because responsive UI's are all the rage I have added a couple of callback options to help you provide this to your clients.
Here is an example of executing a function before the auto-incrementing or form submit event has been called.
$('#form').handleStorage({preCallback:function(){ console.log(this); }});
This callback gets executed anytime the save has been called and was successful. Keep in mind that this does take place ever 5 seconds with a default configuration.
$('#form').handleStorage({callback:function(){ console.log(this); }});
This callback gets executed anytime a save was unsuccessful.
$('#form').handleStorage({errCallback:function(){ console.log(this); }});
Here is an example of the contents of the object within any specified storage mechanism. As you can see it is a valid JSON object that is formatted for readability. Multiple forms can be stored within one object as shown here. (Which is the default method of storing form data).
"jQuery.handleStorage": {
"default": {
"uuid": "cb76ax8d-6539-4151-a70d-ed0628c083d5",
"name": "jason gerfen",
"email": "jason.gerfen@gmail.com",
"message": "Test #1"
"default-aes": {
"uuid": "cb76ax8d-6539-4151-a70d-ed0628c083d5",
"name": "U2FsdGVkX1+J6IKgOD4E/Ni/VqnNf/FwZwaHotk4Gfc=",
"email": "U2FsdGVkX19xzInZdszNewMDlKOVZzDraUkhT2VCjtIfqgaZNYhzkKWUciUn0lCc",
"message": "U2FsdGVkX1+s0SczDn9TOP9FSpBvJCqVpbL9wyniQcs="
Or if you would like to separate objects based on forms (done by specifying a separate 'appID' per form), this is what it would look like in the storage mechanism.
"jQuery.handleStorage": {
"default": {
"uuid": "cb76ax8d-6539-4151-a70d-ed0628c083d5",
"name": "jason gerfen",
"email": "jason.gerfen@gmail.com",
"message": "Test #1"
"myWickedApp": {
"default-aes": {
"uuid": "cb76ax8d-6539-4151-a70d-ed0628c083d5",
"name": "U2FsdGVkX1+J6IKgOD4E/Ni/VqnNf/FwZwaHotk4Gfc=",
"email": "U2FsdGVkX19xzInZdszNewMDlKOVZzDraUkhT2VCjtIfqgaZNYhzkKWUciUn0lCc",
"message": "U2FsdGVkX1+s0SczDn9TOP9FSpBvJCqVpbL9wyniQcs="
Jason Gerfen - Licensed under the GNU Public License or GPL