
Tool to fake GitHub wehbook events

Primary LanguagePHP


Tool to fake GitHub wehbook events.


  • Install dependencies with composer install.
  • Duplicate the .env.example file to .env
  • Adjust settings in .env


Use php spoof --help to get more info about the commands.

Pull request merge

To spoof a pull request merge event, use:

php spoof merge styxit/imposter myBranch develop

This will fake an event as if branch "myBranch" was merged into branch "develop", for repository "styxit/imposter".

Release published

To spoof a "release published" event, use:

php spoof release styxit/imposter v1.0.2

This will fake an event as if tag "v1.0.2" has been published for repository "styxit/imposter".


In the .env the following options can be specified:


This is the url to which the event is POST-ed. Usually your own webhook.


The secret string you provided when setting up the webhook at GitHub. This used to sign your request.