OXID GraphQl API Workshop 2021-06-25
As customer I want to set a short (e.g max 254 characters) 'about me' description which is stored in an extra field in the oxuser table. Use ExtendType to extend Storefront module's Customer DataType so that the extra field can be queried in customer query.
type Customer
// ...
aboutMe: String!
type Mutation {
CustomerAboutMe (
aboutMe: String
): Customer!
Example module - https://github.com/hkreuter/oxid-customergraph
As admin user of (groups oxidadmin, oxidadmingraph) I want to query the count of orders created in a specified timeframe
type AdminOrders
dateFrom: DateTime
dateTo: DateTime
ordersCount: int!
orders: [Order]!
type Query {
adminOrders (
dateFrom: DateTime
dateTo: DateTime
): AdminOrders!
Example module - https://github.com/hkreuter/oxid-admingraph
As customer I want to use an autocomplete product search powered by GraphQL.
- Official OXID eShop VM and SDK integration - https://github.com/OXID-eSales/oxvm_eshop
- OXID eShop dev env based on docker https://github.com/OXID-eSales/docker-eshop-sdk
- OXID GraphQL interface documentation https://docs.oxid-esales.com/interfaces/graphql/en/latest/
- Base module - https://github.com/OXID-eSales/graphql-base-module
- Storefront module - https://github.com/OXID-eSales/graphql-storefront-module
- Module skeleton - https://github.com/OXID-eSales/graphql-module-skeleton