
Software Testing assignment

Primary LanguagePython

Selenium examples in Python

Playing with the Selenium web application testing framework. The configuration file for the test methods describes the inputs for them as key-value pairs, with the expected outputs as well.


A few Selenium examples are demonstrated for Software Testing master course. The aim of the project is to try out Selenium capabilities on a web page which was specifically developed for this purpose: http://the-internet.herokuapp.com/


Install Anaconda from the official page. Clone the project. Open an Anaconda terminal and create a new virtual environment:

conda create -n SeleniumTesting python=3.8 anaconda
conda activate SeleniumTesting
pip install selenium

Usage example

pytest test_selenium.py -ssv --cov


python -m unittest test_selenium.py

Project Organization

├── README.md                       <- The top-level README for people who want to use this project.
├── config
│   ├── test_config.yaml            <- Defines the inputs and outputs for the test methods.
├── chrome_driver
│   ├── chrome_driver.exe           <- Driver of Chrome browser to run the tests.
├── data_test
│   ├── file_upload_test.txt        <- A file with some content to test file upload.  
├── cookie.py                       <- Page object to manipulate cookies.
├── drag_and_drop.py                <- Page object to test drag and drop.
├── drag_and_dropy_javascript.py    <- Javascript defined in a Python string to test drag and drop.
├── page_base.py                    <- Page object to manipulate cookies.
├── page_dropdown.py                <- Page object to test dropdown feature.
├── page_file_upload.py             <- Page object to test file uploading.
├── page_hover.py                   <- Page object to test hover feature.
├── page_log_in.py                  <- Page object to test log in feature.
├── page_main.py                    <- Page object for the main page.
├── page_secure_download.py         <- Page object to manipulate cookies.
├── page_sign_in.py                 <- Page object to test sign in feature.
├── test_selenium.py                <- Unit testing methods.
├── utilities.py                    <- Utility functions.

Useful resources

Selenium documentation for multiple languages
Selenium documentation for Python
Page Object Pattern
16 Selenium Best Practices