
SQL Request

Select ago.id, ago.id_appel as "id_appel", ago.dt as "date" ,ago.service_num , ago.id_op as "operator.id", o.realname as "operator.name", o.email as "operator.mail" , ago.id_groupe as "group.id", g.nom as "group.name", ago.duree_sonnerie as "ringing_duration", ago.duree_attente as "waiting_duration" , ago.duree as "communication_duration", agod.about_pause as "on_hold_duration", agod.catchup as "catchup_duration" , agod.ppa as "post_call_duration", at2.id as "transfer.id" from appels_groupe_out ago INNER JOIN appels_groupe_out ag on ag.id_client = 176147 and ag.dt > "2023-01-25 00:00:00" and ag.dt < "2023-01-27 23:59:59" and ag.id = ago.id INNER JOIN operateurs o on o.id = ago.id_op LEFT JOIN groupes g on g.id = ago.id_groupe LEFT JOIN appels_groupe_out_durees agod on agod.id_appels_groupe_out = ago.id LEFT JOIN appels_transferts at2 on at2.id_init_appels_groupe_out = ago.id


{ app: "api-v2", version: "preprod", datetime: "2022-09-28T09:47:54.792743", timestamp: "1664351274.792743", code: 200, status: "success", data: { limit: 1000, page: 1, pages: 11, elements: 10372, communications_details_operator: [ { id: 1, id_appel: 2, date: "2022-08-01T08:35:28", service_num: 33, operator.id: 25, operator.name: "tom", operator.email: "thikari@gihtub.com", group.id: 123, group.name: "SA", waiting_duration: 24, communication_duration: 587, on_hold_duration: 18, ringing_duration: 2, catchup_duration: 15, post_call_duration: 71, transfer_id: 4564 } ] } }


  1. Create a database and connect to your backend
  2. Build an api to serve this data as describe
  3. Write unit test check if the api data structure is the same as described
  4. Write postman test


  1. Use a type language
  2. use JWT as authentification
  3. use clean code principles
  4. respect json type

May our code be good :)