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Artifact for paper #40 Cronus: Fault-isolated, Secure and High-performance Heterogeneous Computing for Trusted Execution Environment

Artifact summary

Cronus is a fault-isolated, secure, and high-performance heterogeneous computing system for Trusted Execution Environment. It carries a new OS design for enabling security isolation and fault isolation, using existing TEE hardware primitives. This artifact contains the implementation of Cronus on TrustZone (QEMU) and GPU (NVIDIA)/NPU(TVM VTA) and scripts for reproducing the main results of this work.

Artifact Check-list

  • Code link: https://github.com/hku-systems/Cronus
  • OS Version: Ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04.
  • Metrics: execution time and throughput.
  • Expected runtime: each trial of each data point takes about 1 minute.


The code structure for Cronus, HIX-TrustZone and TrustZone (OPTEE) is as follows. To reduce the code size, we did not include the shared code (the one shared with Cronus) for HIX-TrustZone and TrustZone, and they can be copy from the cronus directory or can be link by a softlink. We create a Makefile (optee/Makefile and optee-hix/Makefile) for linking the shared code from Cronus to TrustZone or HIX-TrustZone.

├── cronus                  # Code for Cronus
│   ├── build               # Makefiles [Modified]
│   ├── buildroot           # For untrusted OS
│   ├── edk2                # Firmware for ARM
│   ├── linux               # For untrusted OS
│   ├── mbedtls             # Crypto libs for crypto operations
│   ├── optee_benchmark     # Benchmark for optee, not used
│   ├── optee_client        # Enclave API for untrusted OS
│   ├── optee_examples      # mEnclaves APP implementations [Modified]
│   ├── optee_os            # mOS implementations [Modified]
│   ├── optee_test          # Benchmark for optee, not used
│   ├── qemu                # Modified QEMU [Modified]
│   ├── soc_term            # For system console
│   ├── symbolize.py        # For debugging mEnclaves [New]
│   ├── toolchains          # Cross-compiling toolchains
│   └── trusted-firmware-a  # Secure Monitor for ARM TrustZone [Modified]
├── docs                    # Documentations
├── scripts                 # Scripts
├── devices                 # Code for simulating accelerators
│   └── vta_device          # Implementation for the VTA (NPU) device
├── optee                   # Code for TrustZone (OPTEE)
│   ├── build               # Makefiles
│   ├── optee_examples      # Enclave APP implementation
│   └── optee_os            # Monolithic trust OS implementations
├── optee-hix               # Code for HIX-TrustZone
│   ├── build               # Makefiles
│   ├── optee_examples      # Enclave APP implementations in HIX-TrustZone
│   └── optee_os            # OS implementation for HIX-TrustZone
└── README.md


If otherwise specified, all Cronus's experiments run on one NVIDIA 2080 Ti GPU or a simulated VTA device. For developing new applications, please see this page.


  1. Please login to our cluster following instruction in this page or setup Cronus on your own cluster using instruction in this page.
  2. Please login to the evaluation server (localhost:2233 after setting up the ssh tunnel in step 1) and go to /home/jianyu/ to run all the experiments, where we have set up all necessary environments.

Please be noted that different evaluators cannot run experiments at the same time. This is because there is only one VM instance for each evaluation setup. You can check whether other evaluators are running the experiments by using ps -aux|grep qemu.


  1. If you see Address already in use when running the experiment, this may be caused by others running the experiments at the same time.
  2. If the program takes too long to run (e.g., more than 1min) or there are crashes, please reboot the machine. Please also make sure check_cpu returns 4 to ensure that there are multiple CPU cores for evaluations running on Cronus VM.
  3. If the program returns a long execution time (e.g., 40s), please reboot the machine.

Major Claims

  1. Cronus supports general accelerators (GPU, NPU) and programs (Experiment 1, Experiment 2 and Experiment 4)
  2. Cronus incurs a low performance overhead compared with OPTEE (TrustZone) (Experiment 1-1 and Experiment 1-2, Experiment 4-1 and Experiment 4-2)
  3. Cronus is much faster than HIX-Trustzone (Experiment 1-1 and 1-3)
  4. Cronus's spatial sharing of GPU improves performance during resource (GPU) contention (Experiment 3)

Kick-off Functional (CUDA matrix addition)

Command to run:

  1. Open one terminal (T1) and connect to the machine, create the normal OS terminal
./cronus/soc_term/soc_term 54310
  1. Open one terminal (T2) and connect to the machine, create the secure OS terminal
./cronus/soc_term/soc_term 54311
  1. Open one terminal (T3) and connect to the machine, and start the VM
cd cronus/build
sudo make run-only-bg
(qemu) c
  1. Wait for the OS to boot up, after booting up, at T1, use root as username to login the vm

  2. Check the CPUs have been properly booted up

# a proper bootup returns 4, please reboot the VM if it returns 1
  1. start the test program
  1. If you see the result is CUDA Result is 1, then the program works smoothly

Experiment 1: End-to-end performance of Rodinia (30 mins)

This experiment evaluate Cronus's and Optee's performance on Rodinia.

Experiment 1-1: End-to-end performance of Rodinia in Cronus

Command to run:

Same as the Tick-off experiments, please boot up Cronus VM first, specifically as as followes

  1. Open one terminal (T1) and connect to the machine, create the normal OS terminal
./cronus/soc_term/soc_term 54310
  1. Open one terminal (T2) and connect to the machine, create the secure OS terminal
./cronus/soc_term/soc_term 54311
  1. Open one terminal (T3) and connect to the machine, and start the VM
cd cronus/build
sudo make run-only-bg
(qemu) c
  1. Wait for the OS to boot up, after booting up, at T1, use root as username to login the vm

  2. Make sure that the CPUs have been properly booted up

# a proper bootup returns 4, please reboot the VM if it returns 1
  1. start the rodinia benchmark (9 programs)
# these program will usually runs less than 60s, so a long execution time suggests possible bugs in the system, please reboot the machine for solving the problem (see troubleshooting).
# new: we create a rodinia_bench script for running each program 5 times and calculate the average execution time
rodinia_bebch clean
# new2: if the program crashes, please reboot the machine and run rodinia_bench (i.e., without clean), the program will continue from the last program)


  • Each program will output the execution time (in seconds). Note that we measure the computation time of the program (i.e., the time for loading data from disks is not included), so the measured time is shorter than the execution of the whole program

Experiment 1-2: End-to-end performance of Rodinia in OPTEE (TrustZone)

Command to run:

Similar to the experiment 1-1, please boot up Optee VM first, specifically as as followes

  1. Open one terminal (T1) and connect to the machine, create the normal OS terminal
./optee/soc_term/soc_term 54310
  1. Open one terminal (T2) and connect to the machine, create the secure OS terminal
./optee/soc_term/soc_term 54311
  1. Open one terminal (T3) and connect to the machine, and start the VM
cd optee/build
sudo make run-only-bg
(qemu) c
  1. Wait for the OS to boot up, after booting up, at T1, use root as username to login the vm and start the rodinia benchmark (9 programs)
# these programs will usually runs less than 60s, so a long execution time suggests possible bugs in the system, please reboot the machine for solving the problem (see troubleshooting).
# new: we create a rodinia_bench script for running each program 5 times and calculate the average execution time
rodinia_bebch clean
# new2: if the program crashes, please reboot the machine and run rodinia_bench (i.e., without clean), the program will continue from the last program)


  • Each program will output the execution time (in seconds)

Experiment 1-3: End-to-end performance of Rodinia in HIX-TrustZone

Please runs experiments using the same steps as OPTEE (TrustZone), but in optee-hix (/home/jianyu/optee-hix in the evaluation machine).

Expected results in Experiment-1:

  • The execution of Rodinia in Cronus incurs moderate performance overhead compared with Optee.

Experiment 2: End-to-end performance of DNN Training (30 mins)

Experiment 2-1: end-to-end performance of MNIST (LeNet) in Cronus

Step 1-5 is the same as experiment 1-1, in Step 6, execute the following commands:


Experiment 2-2: end-to-end performance of MNIST (LeNet) in OPTEE (TrustZone)

Step 1-3 is the same as experiment 1-2, in Step 4, execute the following commands:


Expected results in Experiment-2:

  • Training MNIST in Cronus incurs moderate performance overhead compared with OPTEE (TrustZone).

Experiment 3: Spatial sharing of GPU in DNN training in OPTEE (TrustZone)/Cronus

For both OPTEE (TrustZone) and Cronus, Step 1-5 is the same as experiment 1-1 (except that the the directory for running the experiment is different). Note that the machine has only four cores, so it is expected that running more than 2 programs (as Cronus requires extra threads for each mEnclave).

# (change 2 to the number of concurrent enclaves)
dnn_mnist_spatial 2

Expected results in Experiment-3:

  • Spatially sharing a GPU improves utilizations of GPU, and incurs moderate overhead for each training tasks

Experiment 4: End-to-end performance of VTA-Bench in OPTEE (TrustZone)/Cronus

Experiment 4-1: End-to-end performance of VTA-Bench in Cronus

Step 1-5 is the same as experiment 1-1, in Step 6, execute the following commands:


Experiment 4-2: End-to-end performance of VTA-Bench in OPTEE (TrustZone)

Step 1-3 is the same as experiment 1-2, in Step 4, execute the following commands:


Expected results in Experiment-4:

  • Executing VTA-Bench in Cronus incurs moderate performance overhead compared with OPTEE (TrustZone).