Homework #2 Repository for EECS481 F13

Primary LanguageC#


Homework #2 Repository for EECS481 F13

Instructions Check out Game: git clone https://github.com/hkuhn/EECS481HW2.git

Run the Game: Double click on the program called “Asteroids” in the git folder. This will open a single window pane where you can begin playing the game!


Game Description: Asteroids is a 1-Player shooting game. The player must protect his home planet from colorful asteroids plummeting down from the sky. Your planet has a shield that can withstand 5 asteroid hits. But be careful, don’t let one of the asteroids hit your spaceship, or you’ll lose!

Controls: Left Arrow: Move spaceship left Right Arrow: move spaceship right Spacebar: Shoot a laser

Objects: The Spaceship- The spaceship is the blue icon with the green triangle at the bottom of your screen. You control the spaceship and its lasers. Use the spaceship to avoid and shoot asteroids.

Asteroids- There are three types of asteroids: small, medium, and large. Each asteroid is colored either green, yellow, orange, or red, to denote how much hit points it has left. Green asteroids start with 20 HP, yellow with 15, orange with 10, and red with 6. One shot will take off one hit point from the asteroid.

Gameplay: The goal is to rack up as many points as you can by shooting the asteroids and preventing them from hitting your planet (the bottom of the screen) or your spaceship. You have five lives to spare if an asteroid slips by you. However, if you spaceship gets hit by an asteroid, the game is immediately over. The rate at which asteroids spawn increases over time.

Scoring: You are awarded 5 points for every shot to an asteroid.