
An interactive and fun Git Tutorial, replicating Redux single direction data flow | jQuery · Webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Git Ready! - Learn Git Quick

Background and Overview

Git Ready! is a game designed to teach users the basics of git. The game includes a virtual terminal and a virtual git environment which is controlled by the terminal. The game is made as a pure frontend app using jQuery.



The terminal is made entirely in HTML and CSS. Commands in the terminal pass through multitudes of if-else and switch statements to determine what each command does and what changes do they execute on the virutal environment.

Virtual Environment

The virtual environment displays multiple windows for each stage of the git environment, including a local directory, staging area, and local repository.


When branching, the environment also displays the branched files and branched repository.


Flux-style Architecture

The entire app is created on a flux-based principle.

  • A global state that holds all data that is to be displayed
  • Various functions cause changes in the state
  • Changes to the state force re-renders of the page

Global State:

let gitState = {
  initialized: false,
  remote: false,
  branch: {
    checkout: false,
    name: '',
    fileStructure: {

    commitHistory: [],
    status: false
  currentCommand: '',
  previousCommands: [],
  fileStructure: {
  terminalCount: 0,
  level: 1,
  previousLevel: 1,
  commitHistory: [],
  commit: '',
  step: '',
  instructions: '',
  username: ''

React style components

This project replicates the integration of jsx components in React. The global state holds a string which is actually HTML code, and on re-render changes the DOM in order to display that "component". All 9 levels and the multitude of sub-levels are displayed as such.

case 1:
  gitState.initialized = false
  gitState.remote = false
  gitState.step = "<span>Step 1: Initialize</span><span>(1/9)</span>"
  gitState.instructions =
  "<p>Welcome to <span class='bg'>Git Ready!</span> ...  </p>"
  gitState.fileStructure = firstAnimals


Animal Icons designed by Twitter from Flaticon