
In order to call great APIs, we need great API clients.

Primary LanguageLua


Daedalus was a skillful architect, craftsman and artist, and was seen as a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and power. (...)

In order to call great APIs, we need great API clients.

Deadalus is a data-driven API client builder for neovim, in lua.

How to use it?

Daedalus is intended to be used by plugin developers, so their clients can call remote APIs through their plugins.

It uses data to describe the APIs and returns a client that is able to call the endpoints:

local daedalus = require("daedalus")
local specs = require("daedalus.specs")
local helpers = require("daedalus.helpers")

local spec = specs.define{
  -- default attributes of the client specs
  ['*'] = {
    url = "https://api.github.com",
    handler = default_handler, -- you can specify default values that will be shared for all api specs
    auth = helpers.auth.bearer("$GITHUB_TOKEN") -- the bearer function expands env vars
  issues = {
    path = "/issues",
    handler = issues_handler -- you can override global definitions per-api route
  create_issue = {
    path = "/repos/${owner}/${repo}/issues",
    method = "post",


local client = daedalus.make_client(spec)

-- if you don't supply any arguments, the default values will be used

-- if you need to override any default behavior, you can do so through arguments
  before = function(cmd)
    -- if you need to extend the curl command or debug it before calling,
    -- override this function
    return cmd
  handler = function(ret)
    -- the handler function receives already parsed objects
  decode = function(str)
    -- if you need to parse values other than json, override this function
    return vim.fn.json_decode(str)

  urlargs = {
    owner = "hkupty",
    repo = "daedalus.nvim"
  payload = {
      title = "Daedalus is awesome!",
      body = "I'm testing daedalus and I think it's amazing! Thanks :)"