
A pytest plugin to provide initial/expected directories, and check a test transforms the initial directory to the expected one

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


tests codecov

This pytest plugin provides an easy way to test file generation and file-system transformation.


pip install pytest-expectdir


Here is the workflow :

Create a directory containing files and directories expected to be generated, and optionally one with your initial data so that it looks like this :

├ my_pkg/
│ └ ...
└ tests/
  ├ test_feature.py
  └ test_feature/
    ├ initial (optional)/
    │ └ ... your initial data
    └ expected/
      └ ... expected output tree

Then you write your test as follow :


def test_feature(expectdir):
  with expectdir('test_feature') as output_dir:
    # Do whatever you want inside output_dir, which is a temporary directory copied from initial/
  # At the end of the with, output_dir gets compared with expected
  # ...And you get a fancy report of the difference if there are (as an AssertionError).

Note that you can also pass manually the keyword arguments initial and expected to expectdir. If, for example, you have multiple tests ending up with the same expected result, or with the same initial one.

The following is equivalent to the previous example :

def test_feature(expectdir):
  with expectdir(initial='data_test_feature/initial', expected='data_test_feature/expected') as output_dir:
    # ...

If your test data follows this schema :

├ test_feature.py
└ test_feature/
  └ TestCaseClassName (if one)/
    └ test_method
      ├ initial (optional)/
      │ └ ...
      └ expected
        └ ...

(like the first example), then you can even omit the parameters :

def test_feature(expectdir):
  with expectdir() as output_dir:
    # ...


(pytest.fixture) expectdir(datapath=None, *, initial=None, expected=None, current_dir_replace_string=None) -> contextmanager as outputDir:Path

The main fixture. Its value is a function that returns a context manager. The context manager will return (when opened) a path to a temporary directory that will get compared to the Expected directory at closing. An AssertionError will then be raised if the two directory are not the same. .gitkeep files, conventionally used to keep empty directories are ignored.

You also may require to the content of some file containing the path where the test is executed. Just before executing what is in the with, the string passed to current_dir_replace_string is replaced by temporary directory path in all files in initial/. Also, after the with block, and before checking the temporary directory is equal to the expected one, all occurences of the temporary directory path is replaced by current_dir_replace_string. If None is passed, no replacement is done.

The function chooses an optional initial directory and a required expected directory as follow :


  • If the expected keyword argument is provided, it's this directory that will be used.
  • Else, if the datapath positional argument is provided, expected will be datapath/"expected".
  • Else, the test path will be used as fallback, i.e. currentModuleDirectory/TestCaseClassName/test_method/expected if inside a testCase class, else, currentModuleDirectory/test_function/expected if the test is a standalone function.
  • If the selected path does not exist, raises a FileNotFoundError.


  • If the initial keyword argument is provided and equal to __empty__, then the initial directory will be empty.
  • If the initial keyword argument is provided and is a different string or a Path instance, it's this directory that will be used.
  • Else, if the datapath positional argument is provided, expected will be datapath/"initial".
  • Else, if the expected keyword argument is not provided, the test path will be used as fallback, i.e. currentModuleDirectory/TestCaseClassName/test_method/initial if inside a TestCase class, else, currentModuleDirectory/test_function/initial if the test is a standalone function.
  • Else, the initial directory will be empty.
  • If the initial keyword argument is a Path, and this path does not exists, raises a FileNotFoundError.

(pytest.fixture) expectdir(datapath=None, *, initial=None, expected=None, current_dir_replace_string="{{current_directory}}") -> contextmanager as outputDir:Path

Equivalent to expectDir, but with "{{current_directory}}" as default value for current_dir_replace_string.

cmpdir(candidate:Path, expected:Path) -> Tuple[result:bool, Tuple[candidate_only:list[Path], expected_only:list[Path], different:list[Path]]]

Compare two directories recursively, and list files only in the first, only on the second, and in both but different.

The result is True if the directories are identical.

When a subdirectory is present only in one of the compared directories, only the subdirectory itself is listed (not all its content).

Files .gitkeep are ignored.

formatDiff(file_output:TextIO, candidate:Path, expected:Path, diffRes:Tuple[candidate_only:list[Path], expected_only:list[Path], different:list[Path]]) -> None

Takes the result of cmpdir, and print to file_output the diff summary.

formatFileDiff(file_output:TextIO, lines_candidate:Iterable[str], lines_expected:Iterable[str], context=3, indent=' ') -> None

Format the diff of two files, and output to file_output. context is the number of identical to show before and after insertion / deletion for context. indent is the line prefix, so that the output is indented.

How Fancy ?

Here is a sample from the tests :

In [1]: import sys
   ...: from pytest_expectdir.plugin import cmpdir, formatDiff
   ...: initial = './tests/data/test3/initial/'
   ...: expected = './tests/data/test3/expected/'
   ...: formatDiff(sys.stdout, initial, expected, cmpdir(initial, expected)[1])
Directory ./tests/data/test3/expected/ (expected) is different from ./tests/data/test3/initial/ (candidate).
Missing in candidate :
Extra in candidate :
In both directories but different content:

  - This line is removed
  - And this one too
    This is a complex test
  - Hello 3
  + Hello 3 And replaced ones
    With some lines
  + And added lines
    And otherlines
    common 1
    common 2
  [...] --- expected:11 / candidate:10 ---
    common 6
    common 7
    common 8
  - and diff 1
  + diff

  - This line is removed
  - And this one too
    This is a complex test
  - Hello 3
  + Hello 3 And replaced ones
    With some lines
  + And added lines
    And otherlines
    common 1
    common 2
  [...] --- expected:11 / candidate:10 ---
    common 6
    common 7
    common 8
  - and diff 1
  + diff

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