CS425-MP0 Event Logger

To start the logger,

if on a Linux platform, run:

./mp0-go/logger [port]

if on a Windows platform, run:

go run ./mp0-go/logger.go [port]

The port argument is where you specify the port to listen to, default is 9999. You can also specify a log file name after the port argument; otherwise a log file named with the current timestamp will be generated (for analyzing bandwidth and delays).

To start the event generator and node,

if on a Linux platform, run:

python -u ./mp0-py/generator.py [rate] | ./mp0-go/node [node_name] [address] [port]

if on a Windows platform, run:

python -u ./mp0-py/generator.py [rate] | go run ./mp0-go/node.go [node_name] [address] [port]

The rate argument works as explained in the MP prompt. The node_name specifies the name of the node which will be included in the event messages. The address and port arguments should be provided together. Default address and port is which is for local testing only.