
A self implementation of transformer



A PyTorch implementation of vanilla transformer from Attention Is All You Need


1. Training

Train the model by running train.py. Basic configs are provided in config.py. Configs can be overridden by command-line args.

Example command:

python train.py --model_save_path=/path/to/root/transformer/transformer.pt --data_root_path=/path/to/root/data/Multi30k --device=cuda

2 basic configs are provided. test_configs are used by default and can be changed to standard_configs in train.py. standard_configs is a copy of configs mentioned by the paper.

2. Inference

Run predict.py.

Example command:

python predict.py --model_save_path=/Users/fhaolin/work/models/transformer/transformer.pt --sequence="Hello, this is Alex. How are you?" --device=cuda